Re-post from here   Appeal Letter of Dr. Rebecca Johnson to Judges regarding judicial charges against Kang Young-sil, Choi Sung-hee and Dr. Song Kang-ho To whom it may concern: December 13, 2011 Regarding judicial charges against Ms Kang Young-sil, Ms Choi Sung-Hee and Dr Song Kang-ho Dear Judges, Lawyers and Colleagues, I am unable to be here in person […]

  Re-post from here Rebecca Johnson’s letter to Governor Woo   Princeton University, New Jersey, USA November 16, 2011 Dear Governor Woo, I was privileged to be invited to speak at the recent UN-ROK Conference on Non-Proliferation and Disarmament held at the Shilla Hotel(* Samsung owned) in Jeju on November 7-8, 2011. At the dinner that you so kindly hosted […]

Will the Jeju naval base business make rich the Island people? Park Ki-Hak, Research Institute for Peace and Reunification of Korea, refutes such navy and government logic. Beside the translated parts below, he also mentions the cases of naval bases in Pyeongtaek, Donghae, Jinjoo, and Busan in South Korea and of Hawai’i where economic and environmental damage is serious. The […]

韓國當局目前正在推進在旅遊勝地濟州島建設海軍基地,但這一舉措遭到當地市民的強烈反對。市民認為,建設海軍基地不但破壞環境,而且會加劇“緊張氣氛”,不利於和平。8月24日,濟州島西歸浦市市民與警方爆發激烈衝突,包括當地村長在內的多名市民被拘捕。 [...]

崔成希: [如我所寫] 我應該為無法發聲的生物發聲,第二為了我們即將成為戰爭犧牲品的後代子孫。我認為村民們熱愛他們的故鄉,那是他們的家鄉...他們如此愛惜它。 那是關於愛。那是關於無發被說出的愛。那是關於無法發聲的海。那是關於無法大聲說話的生物。那就是我們在說的,我們基本上在說著的... [...]

2011年6月21日下午約四時左右,長期在濟州島江汀洞抗議軍港建設的和平運動人士Song, Kang Ho博士(國際組織The Frontiers工作人員),試圖登上海軍工程用駁船時,遭到包商三星建設公司員工及韓國海軍、包括韓國海軍少校Bang Young Gi用竹棒圍毆。據稱,Song, Kang Ho博士遭踢打、竹棒擊打甚至還被推落船隻,跌落到下方的另一船隻中。 [...]

Yang Yoon Mo ,反濟州島海軍軍港建設的社會運動者之一,也是一位韓國電影影評人和教授,同時他本身也出身於濟州島,因為以身體阻擋建設機器,讓自己躺在工程卡車下方,在4月6日被警方以相當暴力的手法逮捕,甚至還遭到毆打。Choi Sung Hee是另一位主要反濟州島海軍軍港建設的社會運動者之一,她也在5月19日被捕,並且也開始絕食抗議。 [...]

儘管欠缺民主的過程、公眾的支持,以及生態破壞的巨大代價,韓國和美國政府持續在濟州島的江汀洞進行共同海軍基地的建設。 濟州島位在韓國西南外海,2002年由聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)列為生物圈保留區,2007年為聯合國教科文組織列入「世界自然遺產名錄」而受到保護,也是韓國文化遺產局的國定保護區。 [...]

Re-post from the No base stories of Korea, Feb. 27, 2011   * Image source: Headline Jeju, Feb. 25, 2011헤드라인 제주, 2011년 2월 25일(클릭) The sign reads: ‘Allow and actively promote the use of the Jeju dialect in schools! ‘Critically endangered Jeju dialect’ of the UNESCO-registered-and-promoted It is the responsibility of the Jeju Provincial Office of Education that has not allowed the use of […]

* Image source: Ku Do-Hee, Voice of People, Feb. 4, 2011 민중의 소리 구도희 기자, 2011년 2월 4일(클릭) ‘portrait of Kim Joo-Hyun, the deceased Samsung worker in mortuary ‘빈소에 있는 고 김주현 노동자의 초상’ * Image source: Samsung General Labor Union, Jan. 26, 2011 삼성 일반 노조 웹사이트, 2011년 1월 26일(클릭) ‘ Workers and activists have been doing relay one-man […]