韓國第18屆總統選舉只剩3天,執政新國家党總統候選人朴槿惠和在野民主統合党候選人文在寅的對決,也進入最後決戰。在此選舉中,反對濟州島海軍基地的人民所呼之欲出之話是:朴槿惠決非明智選擇。 [...]
Check these Youtube channels for Jeju/Gangjeong related videos. Many videos are Korean only. Updated Regularly
Gang-Jeong Il-Gi - Grace Kim
Shalomsea - Pang Eun-Mi
1234yz100 - Dunguree Updated Occasionally
Sungbong2012 - Cho Sung-Bong
Dopehead Zo - Cho Yak-Gol
Save Jeju Island
No Base Jeju Island
Think Unit
Kyung Dong-Hyun
Check these Vimeo channels for Jeju/Gangjeong related videos. Many videos are Korean only. cho sung bong - Cho Sung-Bong
DH Song - Song Dong-Hyo
Regis Tremblay - Regis Tremblay
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