Photo by Rev. Cho Hun-Kook/ Release of Rev. Jeong Yeon-Gil and Mr. Park Suk-Jin from the Jeju Prison, on bail, on Dec. 12. Two have been imprisoned since Sept. 6, the opening day of WCC.
‘The National Network of Korean Civil Society for Opposing to the Naval Base in Jeju Island submitted individual complaints to the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders, Freedom of Opinion and Expression, Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association and Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on human rights situation in Gangjeong. Human rights defenders including peace activists, religious leaders, villagers, and environmental defenders are continuously harassed by the government of the Republic of Korea, the navy and construction companies during their peaceful protest against construction of Jeju naval base.
Press statement was made in Korean but attachments are in English, so feel free to download the letter and case fact sheets from below link for your information 🙂
People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy
- Joint Letter_RoK_Gangjeong_11Dec2012_FINAL.pdf (96.1KB)(10)
- PSPD-CFS to SR-Sukjin Park_11Dec2012_FINAL.pdf (204.1KB)(7)
- PSPD-CFS to SR-Yeongil Jeong_11Dec2012_FINAL.pdf (204.2KB)(14)
- PD20121211_보도자료_강정인권침해유엔발송_최종.hwp (17.0KB)(8)’
Scenes of release of Rev. Jeong Yeon-Gil and Mr. Park Suk-Jin (Facebook post by Regina Pyon)
Welcome back of two prisoners, Park Seok-jin 박석진 and Saltcandy Yohan 정연길. These two climbed up the caisson dock at Hwasun port with the other peace activists on September 6, opening day of World Conservation Congress in Jeju. They were released on bail on December 12. For more photos by Jang Hyun-woo 장현우 http://cafe.daum.net/peacekj/496a/729, http://cafe.daum.net/peacekj/496a/731

Photo by Jang Hyun-Woo/ Released Rev. Jeong Yeon-Gil (Saltcandy Yohan) is again surrounded by the police on the same day at the gate.
Welcome back to Gangjeong of two prisoners, Park Seok-jin 박석진 and Saltcandy Yohan 정연길. These two climbed up the caisson dock at Hwasoon port with the other peace activists on September 6, opening day of World Conservation Congress in Jeju. They were released on bail on December 12. Video by Dunguree 박성수
Update on the conscientious prisoners against the Jeju naval base project
As of Dec. 16, 2012
Mr. Kim Bok-Chul, 188th day (No. 598)
Mr. Park Seung-Ho, 93rd day (No. 290)
Fr. Lee Young-Chan, 53rd day (No. 407)
Please send each letters of support with the prisoner number to the address at:
Jeju Prison
161 Ora-2 dong, Jeju City,
Jeju, the Peace Island, Korea

Image: Kim Bok-Chul, a former laid-off railroad worker and one of the leaders of the field struggle, with a humorous sign, ‘Break down the fence.’ For the photo source, click here.
Dr. Song Kang-Ho was released on Sept. 28 (after 181 days). See here.
Villager Mr. Yoon Chung was released on Oct. 24(after 44days). See here.
Mr. Kim Dong-Won was released on Oct. 26 (after 118 days). See here.
Rev. Jeong Yeon-Gil and Mr. Park Suk-Jin were released on Dec. 12 (after 98days). See here.