2019 Jeju Grand March for Life and Peace
“Peace, Let’s Go Together!”
July 29(Mon.) to Aug. 3(Sat.), 2019
From Gangjeong-Seongsan-Jeju City
Internationals may contact jejumarch@daum.net or gangjeongintl@gmail.com
☮ Main programs
- 7/29 (Mon.) 9 AM press conference at the start of the march (in front of Jeju Navy Base)
- 7/29 (Mon.) ~ 8/3 (Sat.) Jeju Grand March for Life and Peace (from Gangjeong, though Seongsan, to Jeju City)
- 7/31 (Wed.) Midway Concert (Seongsan Citizens’ Sports Center)
- 8/3 (Sat.) Peace Concert (in front of Jeju City Hall)
☮ March course
– 7/29 Gangjeong ~ Namwon (24km)
– 7/30 Namwon ~ Pyoseon (20km)
– 7/31 Pyoseon ~ Seongsan (19km)
– 8/1 Seongsan ~ Gujwa (19km)
– 8/2 Gujwa ~ Jocheon (12km)
– 8/3 Jocheon ~ Jeju City (11km)
☮ Application
- Apply online or in person at the march (Korean application at http://bit.ly/2019제주생명평화대행진신청)
- Participation fee : Adults: 1 day 20,000 won / Elementary/Middle/High School students: 1 day 10,000 won / T-shirt 10,000 won
- (There are no discounts, but Saturday (no overnight) is free so the total participation fee for adults is 100,000 won).
- Housing, food, and small souvenirs are provided
☮ Starting times
- 7/29 Registration at 8:30 AM, start marching after press conference at 9 AM.
- On all other days the march starts at 8 AM
☮ Other
- See updates in Korean at “구럼비야 사랑해” website cafe.daum.net/peacekj
- Trucks carry the participants’ bags while they are marching
- No pre-march event on the 28th. The march does not provide housing on the 28th.
- Bring your own water bottle, spoon/chopsticks, towel, toiletries, sleeping bag or light blanket, etc.