1. Budget talk was postponed again. Pressures on the members of the National Assembly, including those of Budget and Balance committee should be increased.
On Nov. 19, budget talk was postponed again because of gap between the parties but possibility of vote was implied, which may bring the ruling party’s forceful sole disposal on budget.
The talk in the National Defense committee of the National Assembly on the 201 billion won of the 2013 Jeju naval base budget was postponed again following Nov. 7-8, 12 and 16.
The general meeting of the National Defense committee could not even talk on the Jeju naval base budget because of gap between the parties. The ruling party insists the pass of budget as the original (or at least partical cut) but the DP insisted the whole cut.
The chairman ( Ryu Seung-Min, ruling Saenuri Party) and coordinators ( Han Ki-Ho, Saenuri Party and Ahn Kyu-Baek, Democratic United Party) of the committee decided to hold a meeting again prior to the day’s general meeting but the concrete schedule was not decided yet. If gap between the parties is not to be narrowed, there is a possibility of vote that was mentioned by the chairman of the committee on Nov. 19.
If vote is enforced, there is a possibility of the Saenuri party’s forceful sole disposal, excluding the DP, [if the DP opposes the vote itself.] that will bring the creeping and clash in the committee. The proportion of the committee is 9 from the Saenuri Party, 7 from the DP, and 1 of independent among the total 17 committee members.
If the proposal on the Jeju naval base is to be passed by the National Defense committee, it will be examined again by the Budget and Balance Committee of the National Assembly (whose schedule is not known yet) that will bring final result probably by the end of December, which is after December 19 Presidential election . The whole numbers of the Budget and Balance committee members are 51.
Continuous pressure on the members of the National Defense and Budget and Balance committees will be important.
2. Important exposure in the Island Council inspection: Construction should be stopped and budget should be cut as total lies by the Office of Prime Minister were clearly proved out.
Meanwhile on the same day, important testimony by a member of the [base design-] technical verification committee meeting (Prof. Kim Gil-Soo, Korea Maritime University) and simulation screening that shockingly exposed government lies were held in the Island provincial council (Administrative self-governing committee) during its inspection on the Promotion Committee on the Civilian-Military Complex Port for Tour Beauty.
Related to budget matter, the Island council inspection clearly proves out that the remark by the Office of Prime Minister that it would hold simulation ‘show‘, accepting the demand by the Island government, is only an excuse to appropriate budget on base project next year, shutting down all the critiques on its enforcement of naval base construction.
The main testimony by Prof. Kim Gil-Soo was that: The report on the result of the 2nd simulation by the Office of Prime Minister [on Feb. 23] is different from the proper position of the technical verification committee (on the entry/exit of 150,000 cruises in the Civilian-Military Complex Port for Tour Beauty project) who adopted its proposal in its 4th meeting on Feb.14, after its session from January 26 to February 14.
It was also ‘confirmed’ that the Feb. 23, 2012 report that had been ordered by the Ministry of National Defense (MND) through Samsung C & T was adopted as a simulation verification report by the Office of prime Minister. The villagers have raised a big suspicion on it in March 27, 2012. See here.
- Finally, it was confirmed that, with the current base design, it is not easy even for military vessels, not to mention cruise, to enter and exit port. There have been numerous investigations by people themselves on it that back such confirmation. One of them is by the villagers themselves. Watch the video here.
The focus of the Island Council inspection on the base design were:
Whether there was a pressure by the Office of Prime Minister on the committee’s discussion result, also related to the 150 billion won mentioned to be needed for change of base design
Whether the 2nd simulation report by the Office of Prime Minister properly reflects the position of the technical verification committee
Whether the base was originally designed solely for naval base
Whether the base fits even for military vessels, not to mention 150,000 ton cruise
During the National Assembly inspection on the government offices, there has been a suspicion that has been strongly raised that the Office of Prime Minister pressured the committee to adopt the result report for the base design not to be changed.
Here is the rearranged translation of the Jeju media, mostly from the Headline Jeju.
◇ “From the beginning, the design was not for the civilian-military complex port.”
Prof. Kim Gil-Sou pointed out that there were problems in the simulation data by the Ministry of National Defense in the beginning.
Question by Park Joo-Hee, Island Council member:
In the meeting minutes, the members of the technical verification committee, recommended by the Island Council to be the members of the committee, lastly asked to the navy personnel in charge of simulation, pointing out ‘Why is it that the simulation data of wind speed 15 knot while it should be set up to 27 knot’ and ‘navigation route is wrong.’ And there was the remark by the navy personnel that ‘It is because it is hard for cruise to enter[the port] if the data is set up to 27 knot.’
Does it mean that the base design was not for the civilian-military complex port from the beginning?
Answer by Prof. Kim Gil-Sou, technical verification committee member
“We understand so. But I don’t know how the navy considers it.”
Question by Park Joo-Hee
“Given the contents of the 4th meeting minutes, it can be seen there was an outside pressure from the Office of Prime Minister. There appear remarks such as that the verification matter should be finalized in the early period.”
Answer by Prof. Kim Gil-Sou
“(The measure to finalize the matter quickly) has been maintained from the start to the end.”
◇ “There was no outside pressure. But [the committee members] must have felt such mood in the meetings.”
Question by Park Won-Chul
“Was there outside pressure from the chairman of the technical verification committee (on Chairman, Jeon Joon-Soo, please see here) and the Office of Prime Minister?
Answer by Prof. Kim Gil-Sou
“It was the chairman who worried about the possibility of construction stop and made remark on it. It became clear in the 4th meeting that the most worrisome thing for those was on the possibility of construction stop. We sensed that Office of Prime Minister was afraid of the possibility of construction stop if something advantageous to the Jeju [Island government] is brought on in the verification meeting.”
Question by Park Won-Chul
“Is it proper for us to see the reason that the Office of Prime Minister avoids construction stop is because the port has been designed ONLY as a naval base and there would be additional design costs [if the design is changed]? Is it proper for us to see that the chairman of the verification committee was clearly aware of that part, given many problems [in the design]?”
Remark by Park Joo-Hee
“There was a pressure from the Office of Prime Minister. It is confirmed.”
Answer by Prof. Kim Gil-Sou
“There was no outside pressure. But [the committee members] must have felt the mood in the meetings.”
◇ “ The 2nd simulation report by the Ministry of National Defense(MND) is not [the committee’s] proper report.”
The next questions were related to the MND’s submission of 2nd simulation report on Feb. 23, as soon as the technical verification committee adopted its result report on Feb. 14.
On the question of Prof. Kim’s view on the matter that the Samsung ordered works on simulation already before the the committee’s adoption of its own report, here are Prof. Kim’s answers.
Answer by Prof. Kim
“We did not acknowledge the [Samsung report]. At first, we thought it is for a new simulation but we found later that [the Office of Prime Minister] was to replace [ours] to it, which had already been ordered in December.
“(During the meeting) the government personnel asked us to hear the MND 2nd simulation. When we said we would not do that, they asked us again to take it as reference material. It was not our proper document. However, the government personnel changed their words later. They say as if we, the technical verification committee acknowledged it, but it is TOO WRONG. The committee has NEVER officially acknowledged it. That is why we have continuously claimed on correct simulation. Correct simulation has to be done even from now on.”
◇ Cruises can barely come alongside the pier only with the support by four (not two) tug boats
The central and Island government have argued each other on the ‘show’ of simulation, on the supposition that 150,000 ton cruise can safely come alongside the pier with the support of two tug boats of 3,500 horse power.
However, in the 2nd simulation movie made public during the Island Council inspection by Park Won-Chul, Island Council member, there are scenes that a cruise ship barely comes alongside the pier supported by four tug boats.
Given the movie, it is confirmed that the simulation was carried on with four tug boats during the entry/exit of cruise in all cases in the conditions of wind speed 27 knot and west part jetty harbor as the changeable.
However in the MND report on the result of simulation verification, it recommends to operate two tug boats with 3500 HP in case of more than 24 knot wind speed in the south breakwater; and to rearrange harbor structure and operate two 3500 HP all the time so that it would relieve psychological pressure of using jetty dock when big cruise is operated in the west breakwater (conditioned by maximum 27 knot of wind speed)
Prof. Kim Gil-Sou stated watching the movie. “It is not common that four tug boats follow cruise.” He also stated that it is for the first time he got to know it.
According to him,
“ Since the size of water surface area of cruise is big, it is impossible for cruise to come alongside the pier without four tug boats in the condition of wind speed 27 knot or more. When I pointed out that the entry of cruise would be difficult in the condition of a jetty dock in the west breakwater, [the design of the jetty dock] was changed to the changeable. However, changeable dock is very difficult to build from the point of view of harbor and bay engineering technology. The reason that it was changed to the changeable is because the (government and navy0 wanted to maintain its original purpose (construction without base design change)
Park Joo-Hee, Island Council member said, “ The Island government should be furious together on the objectively proved out facts today that; The tug boats are four not two; it was originally a design purely for naval base; It takes additional 150 billion won to change the design; even military vessels are difficult for entry and exit/and the chairman of the committee remarked that there should be no construction stop.” She demanded construction stop and space for true discussion by the Island people.
Park Won-Chul also demanded construction stop pointing out that there have been as much as 22 cases of violations of the license regulation of Public waters Act (the law on the reclamation on the public water and its vicinity surface )since last October , which have not been properly asked of responsibilities with charges. Park also demanded thorough measure against unreliable caisson production of which seven have been demanded by last typhoons through fact checks
3. Still 24 night time entry/exit of construction trucks resumed in 10 days on Nov. 19
The night time entry/exit of construction vehicles that started on Oct. 25 has been posed since Nov. 10, 2010. For the background of it, see here. On Nov. 19, the nightmare of 24 hour police mobilization and 24 hour people protest started again.
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