Update: The arrested was released in the night of April 9. See the below.

Photo sent by Fr. Kolbe Jung on April 9, 2013
Above: company workers blocking the main gate from people
Bottom: Fr. Mun Jeong-Hyeon, mayor Kang Dong-Kyun and people blocking the trucks. For more photos, see here.
Gangjeong has been in emergency from the early morning of April 8.
While company workers block the gates, police are intentionally silent on it. People are desperately keeping the gate. Company workers’ violence to people is very high possibilities. One young man was hit in eye glass and needed medical investigation in face on April 8. One person was arrested on the same day.
It was from the early morning of April 8, Monday, that such change in situation happened in front of the naval base construction sites in the village. During the conflicts between the people and construction company workers, Mr. Bae Gi-Chul, co-representative of the Jeju Pan Island Committee for the Stop of Military Base and for the Realization of Peace Island was arrested while he was sitting in front of a truck. He was the first arrested this year. (See the video underneath. Update: He was released in the night of April 9)
Village siren rang on April 9 following April 8.
The Jeju Pan Island Committee for the Stop of Military Base and for the Realization of Peace Island stated in April 9. See the Original Korean statement, here:
‘The navy has enforced construction in violation of the project approval conditions, such as dumping sands and stones on the sea even before the silt-protectors that have been damaged by strong rain and wind last weekend are restored. Further, large amount of earth and sands have been leaked into the sea due to the rainy weather last weekend, resulting in mud water, while the people’s criticism on the navy’s illegal construction has been bigger.
Moreover, the Jeju Island government, confirming the fact on the damage of the silt-protectors, has noticed the navy to pose maritime construction until the completion of repair on them. Despite that, the navy, enforcing construction(destruction), is oppressing the villagers and activists protesting to it, rather with mobilization of company thugs. And the police are abusing their state power, demanding people of ‘unconditional scattering,’ with neither understanding nor judgement on the people’s reason of protest.’
For more photos of protests, see here.
Illegal construction, destroying the UNESCO-designated soft coral habitats
As mentioned, illegal construction enforced with broken silt-protectors and dumped unwashed sands & stones on the sea was continued.
A Jeju media, Headline Jeju on April 8 reads:
‘It appeared that the sea area of the Beomseom (Tiger Island) designated as the government natural memorial is largely being threatened as big amount of mud water was leaked from the Jeju naval base construction site into the sea, for the strong rain and wind last weekend.
The Jeju branch of the Korean Federation for Environment Movement stated on April 8, confirming the fact that the damage of mud water reached even to the sea areas of the Beomseom and Seogun Island where soft corals inhibit in group. It would affect their ecology environment not a little. [..]
The organization stated that “Even though there was weather cast days before, the navy has had no prevention measures on it. [..]’

Photo by KFEM/ Headline Jeju, April 8, 2013: Sea water became muddy after the bad weather last weekend. Before and after.

Photo by KFEM/ Headline Jeju, April 8, 2013: Further, the broken silt protectors damaged even in their canvases function nothing, not to mention the sea water that has become muddy.
Mr. Bae Gi-Chul, just before the arrest on April 8. The 100 peace bow music had been being played. The police threatening him to arrest under the charge of obstruction of business, finally arrest him. video by Kim Bok-Chul.
Don’t cry.. video by Kim Bok Chul on April 8.
Company worker (security) violence to people during the catholic mass from 11 am to 12:20 pm. Video by Kim Bok-Chul on April 8
People in front of 25 ton dump truck on April 9. Some people praying in front of it. Video by Kim Bok-Chul
Fr. Mun’s teared rosary prayer in front of cement mixer truck on April 9 (Video by Pang Eun-Mi)
April 9 protest (video by Peace Nomad)
Words from Felice Cohen-Joppa, US
‘Take care, friends – thinking of you all… Your courage and persistence in the face of violence, in the struggle for peace, is an inspiration that echoes around the world. Last night Jack and I went to see Arlo Guthrie in concert – celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of his late father Woody Guthrie. He invited us to sing the last song with him, loud enough so that it would reach people around the world engaged in struggle.
My Peace
Words by Woody Guthrie,
Music by Arlo Guthrie
My peace, my peace is all I’ve got that I can give to you
My peace is all I ever had that’s all I ever knew
I give my peace to green and black and red and white and blue
My peace my peace is all I’ve got that I can give to you
My peace, my peace is all I’ve got and all I’ve ever known
My peace is worth a thousand times more than anything I own
I pass my peace around and about ‘cross hands of every hue;
I guess my peace is justa ‘bout all I’ve got to give to you’