Conclusion in advance: What the simulation T/F team proved out on Jan. 31 is the ‘Civilian-Military Complex Port,’ is IMPOSSIBLE. Still They are deceiving themselves, not to mention people by saying, “NO PROBLEM.’

Source: On Jan. 31, when the villagers ran to the Island government hall, to inquire the governor on the problems of simulation report and protest on the whole lies, Island officers, mobilizing civilian-costumed policemen, blocked the villagers and activists. The Island officers have not even preserved the base layout map and did not know what the ‘jetty dock (that will be mentioned in the below) was. In a word, the Island government had no preparation for its own position but to just submit to the central conservative government and Samsung. The figure in the left side is Mr. Go Gwon-Il, chairman of the Villagers’ Committee to Stop the Naval Base.
On Jan. 31, the Office of the Prime Minister and Jeju Island government stated that there is ‘no problem’ in the matter of 150,000 ton cruise port-entry & exit as a result of the simulation ‘show’ (not verification) carried out in rough-and-ready method in two days of Jan. 17 and 18, despite the FULL OF FLAWS in the layout that became more obvious even by their official report (You can download it, in the middle of the site here, though Korean).
- The purpose of the simulation jointly carried out by the central and Island governments was to prove out that the port-entry and exit of 150,000 ton cruise is possible, HELPED by two tug boats (3,500 Hp each). To say concretely, the simulation was to test the possibility of another 2nd cruise into the west breakwater when the 1st cruise is already mooring in the south breakwater. The wind speed variable was set up at 27 knot. The simulation was supposed of day and night conditions. and wind directions were set up at northeast and southwest. The numbers of pilots were 4. Total simulation numbers were 16. The two-day rough-and-ready simulation was criticized for its opaqueness to the public. Even the members of the T/F team had to leave out their phones before entering the simulation room. The simulation was done in thorough security. Reporters were not allowed to enter. Still the government manipulating the media after the test, intentionally leaked the media in advance before the planned date of report on the result, saying that it has succeeded in the simulation, probably for the purpose to block any criticism on the test later.
On Feb. 4, the Island governor, Woo Keun Min made public at 2 pm that he would drive for the civilian-military complex port. His sugar-coating words deceiving the Island people again was that he would promise the local development, supported by the central government, console the Gangjeong villagers (no villagers opposing the base project will be consoled but infuriated against him) and that he would ASK the central government pardon for the people who have gotten the legal disposal for the struggle against the base project. It is in fact, his submission to the central gov, as the leader of the Island. (See the Korean article here)
The navy has been of course manipulating public opinion abusing such government lies. all those government and military’s false and deceiving play has been what people could somehow expect.
It is a great deception and betrayal again for the central and Island governments to lie to the people in the domestic and world to state as such. It has become very clear that the Jeju naval base project which has been violently and illegally enforced in the name of so called civilian-military complex port for tour beauty, despite the opposition of majority villagers who just want to save their hometown as it is, can properly function neither as a civilian nor a military port. It is because the navy, government, corporations like Samsung have been enforcing the project consistently with rough-and-ready methods, which contradicts from their own claim of so called a ‘national security policy.’
Most media seldom reports on such BIG DECEPTION that is why it is important to share the below, which is people’s own statement regarding the full of flaws in the base layout, revealed in the government report itself.

Source/ Photo by Kim Seung-Joo/ On Jan. 31, mayor Kang Dong-Kyun and Island activist Hong Ki-Ryong were ready to stay all night in front of the Island hall building, in protest of the Island and central governments’ lies again. The figure in the right side is a civilian-costumed policeman who enjoys to spy people all the time.
Yang Yoon-Mo, a movie critic, who was arrested and jailed directly from the court due to his opposition on the base project has started prison fast from the evening of Feb. 1, the day of his imprisonment which is the 4th time in his life . He demands two by his prison fast: 1. Nullification of the government simulation report on Jan. 31, 2. Revocation of the Jeju naval base project.
We hope that the below provides the reader some tips for the recognition of how the base project-including the base layout- has been totally falsehood from the beginning. Why these wrongdoings are seldom mentioned in the media? Does it surprise you to hear that the Korean mainstream media has been controlled by the big corporations like Samsung, one of the main contractors of the base project?
Does it surprise you to hear that the Island government said that it has not even preserved the base layout map, which made the villager mayor, Kang Dong-Kyun and others so infuriated? Does it surprise you to hear that they could not even say a sensible word to the strong criticism by the village representatives who have had to investigate the flaws of layout themselves without sleep for long days? (See the Korean article, here) Does it surprise you to hear that the current Island government is willing to accord with the coming government of Park Geun-Hye on whom the controversy on election fraud has been constantly raised?(See the Korean article, on Feb. 4, here)

Lee Dong-Seob, chief of the Task Force team of the Simulation team, as well as the President of the Korean Navigation and Port Research. He is a former navy and captain. He stated in the press conference on Jan. 31 that the team concluded that the safe port-entry and exit of two giant size cruises in the day and night is possible under the current port design of the base project. (See the Korean article, here)
People’s statement on Feb. 1 (Click here for the original source)
Title: “The simulation that made confirmation again on the flaws in the base design should be annulled from the origin!”
: “Immediately stop the naval base construction (destruction) and re-examine the project!”
The government stated on Jan. 31, 2013, that it would drive for the naval base construction without setback, saying that ‘it confirmed the safety matter,’ as a result of the simulation show (* not ‘verification’) on the control of 150,000 ton cruise ships in the so called Jeju civilian-military complex port for tour beauty project.
However, the report on the result of the show by the Task Force team on the simulation on the control of cruise ships only confirms again that the matter on the flaws in the design on turning basin and sea route, which was raised in the 1st and 2nd simulation verification, as well, is a fact, therefore there are serious problems in the safety matter of harbor and bay.
Firstly, the simulation show this time was carried out in the condition of no jetty in the west side-different from the [navy] plan on changeable jetties [in the east and west part of the port] . According to the item 1 of the synthetic opinion by the researchers in the simulation report (Page 17, the Report on the Simulation Show on the Control of Cruise Ships in the [ Project] of the Civilian-Military Complex Port for Tour Beauty), the researchers demand a conducted layout change by which the jetty in the west part would be completely removed.
- Translation:
- 1. Since the simulation show this time was carried out, supposedly the situation without “a jetty” [in the west part] under the worst external force condition, the condition is that there is not a jetty [in the west part] under the worst external force condition in case a large size cruise enters the port in the future.
- 2. Since the entry speed in the mouth part of the harbor and bay is high and there are cases that the distance between breakwater and ship is short, the crews who enter and exit the port in the worst external force condition should be careful of pressuring currents.
- 3. The sea route environment and sea route mark same with the simulation condition are needed
- ( Page 17, the Report on the Simulation Show on the Control of Cruise Ships in the [ Project] of the Civilian-Military Complex Port for Tour Beauty)
Related to it, Lee Dong-Seob, chief of the T/F team states that, “it is difficult to answer (on the safety of harbor and bay) in the condition of the jetty in the west side. It is a conclusion that there should be no jetty in the worst condition.”
That means it was a merely a patch measure for the navy to avoid controversy on the safety matter to have changed the sea route [from 77° to 30°] and introduced changeable jetty at the time of the 2nd simulation that it unilaterally carried out in Feb. 2012. Therefore it proves the justice of a claim that change of base design and construction stop is inevitable to guarantee the safety of 150.000 ton cruise to enter & exit of port and to come & exit alongside the pier.

Source: Please compare two maps. In the navy map that the villagers brought to the Island government hall to protest against the government lies on Jan. 31, you can see two small jetty in the west and east parts of the port. But in the picture of the report, you see only one jetty in the east part. It is a report on the Simulation Show on the Control of Cruise Ship(s) in the [ Project] of the Civilian-Military Complex Port for Tour Beauty, published by the Task Force team of the show, jointly supervised under the central and Island governments.
Otherwise, the matter of removal on the jetty in the west part means that there is a serious problem in the project of so called Jeju civilian-military complex port for tour beauty: It cannot properly function as a military port, not to mention properly function as a civilian port.
It is because the accommodation ability of the Jeju naval base that should accommodate a task fleet is drastically being reduced. According to the original design (Image No. 4.4.5, page 129, book No. 1 of the report on investigation and test), the base design has been done for a base where total 24 ships can simultaneously come alongside the pier.
As the project was changed to a so called civilian-military complex port [in 2007], the south and west breakwaters were designated as a trade port as a facility for cruise to come alongside the pier. If the entry and exit of more than 2,000 ton cruise is permitted as the Jeju Island demands to the military, ( * It is a condition that the Island governor demands to the military to conclude a joint use protocol on the port) the south and west breakwaters cannot but be used only as (dis)embarkation for materials and human beings so the function as a military port disappears. It means five among 24 ships cannot be accommodated.
If a jetty dock in the west part is removed in such condition, additional 4 ships cannot be accommodated. Even with a ship that might take place on the site of the removed jetty, three ships cannot be accommodated. As a result, total 8 military ships among 24 ships cannot be accommodated.

Source: Kim Min-Soo, reporter of the Jeju Internet news writes in his Feb. 1 article titled: ‘What the simulation T/F team proved out is the ‘Civilian-Military Complex Port,’ is Impossible: The Jeju Naval Base Cannot Accommodate Both of the 7th Navy Task Fleet Force and Two Giant Cruse.’
‘A task force is usually composed of 10 naval vessels: 8 large size naval vessels such as 2 Aegis Destroyers, 6 destroyers and affiliated vessels. The ROK navy says it can heighten its ability for ocean operation, only if large size conveyance vessel (14,500 ton class, currently the ROK retains one vessel of such class, the Dokdo). [..]
‘Even though the government made a conclusion on Jan. 31 that giant cruise can safely enter and exit the port as a result of simulation, the problem is that, for that purpose, the Jeju naval base can accommodate only five giant naval vessels at maximum, [as the simulation report itself, CLEARLY stipulates.]
In other words, the purpose of the Jeju naval base that the navy asserts that it is for the accommodation of the 7th task fleet force cannot be achieved in the project. It means the navy can NEVER solve the issue of effective operation on the 7th task fleet force with the [currently enforced] Jeju naval base project, contrary from the navy assertion that it needs the Jeju base because its task fleet forces are being scattered in Jinhae and Busan [* which are located in the east southern part of the main land].
That brings a result that the navy and Minister of National Defense give up the purpose of the Jeju naval base, in other words, the role of it as a deployment base where 20 large size naval vessels can simultaneously moor.
The Office of Prime Minister, navy, and Ministry of National Defense are irresponsible even by their own logic to say that they would enforce construction stating that “there is no problem in safety matter,” without an explanation whether the navy would be willing for such serious change of the base design or not.
To look at, to ask why the change of the base design is inevitable, one can recognize that the core of the matter lies in the issue of the turning radius.
The turning basin for the 150,000 ton cruise should be of D 690 m, which is 2L of the object ship, following the ‘Standard of the Layout in the Harbor & Bay and Fishing Port. While the turning basin of the Jeju naval base was designed as D 520 m, in violation of such legal standard, the matter is that the inner sea area of the projected Jeju naval base is too small to accommodate even D 520 m.
In the plane plan of the navy’s report on the basic plan, the D 520 m turning base is drawn rather spared. However, it can be recognized that the turning basin is interluding major sites of placed ships as in the below picture, when a correct 3 D modeling was established for the simulation show this time.
It can be confirmed that cruise ship is overlapped in the turning basin in the south breakwater and even destroyers (KDX-II) that come alongside the dock – exclusive only for the large size ships- have no turning water area and spare.
In case that a large size aircraft carrier in the south breakwater or a naval vessel higher than KDX-III level comes alongside the pier- exclusive only for the large size ships-, the radius of the turning basin is more being intruded therefore the safety of the cruise entry & exit of port and coming & leaving alongside the pier becomes more difficult.
Given that, the navy, Ministry of National Defense, and the Office of prime Minister cannot avoid people’s suspicion that they have intentionally hidden the problems of the flaws on the design on the turning basin by now.
Secondly, the item 2 of the synthetic opinion by the researchers of the simulation show point out that “ Due to high entry speed in the gate part in harbor and bay.. it is necessary to pay attention to pressuring currents.” The pilots who joined the simulation show are also stating that they ask attention on the pressuring currents in the harbor gate.” It means the ships in simulation had to navigate with high speed to the degree of concern, without decreasing speed to maximum following the shipbuilding program at the time of entering and exiting out of port. In other words, the ships in simulation had to increase their propulsive force so that ships are not being pushed by the crosswind of 27 knot.
What they point out is that there is a concern that the ships may be clashed to breakwaters: In case of the Jeju naval base project, the width of the sea route is only 250 meter. Therefore the navigator on the ship bridge in 150,000 ton cruise cannot observe the end tip of the breakwater in the mouth part of the port so that he can rely only on guess or GPS. If wind suddenly stops or more severely blows, the ship may clash with breakwaters.
In other words, they were expressing their concern: If the ship entering the port without reduction of speed clashes with breakwater, such incident cannot but be extended as a giant incident in the worst case. It is because wind blows irregularly in real situation different from the simulation when wind blows homogenously. If then, the suspicion whether the 150,000 ton cruise can safely enter and exit the port is still unresolved task.
Thirdly, looking at the 3rd items of the synthetic opinion of the researchers in the simulation show, the matters that we have pointed out many times are written as they are. We have consistently pointed out that, while the 2nd and 3rd simulations are based on 30° sea route, actual area-detailed data around the 30° sea route have not been input.
The words that ‘sea route environment and sea route signs same with the simulation condition are needed,’ means that the maritime environment such as the water depth of the sea route and current should be fit into the environment applied in simulation. In other words, it can be interpreted that the natural environment should be changed into same with the simulation environment since the simulation was done without actual area-detailed data.
It means, to make a sea route that crosses low water depth area, there should be inevitably an underwater construction such as rock excavation and dredging. It is a result that reveals more of the rough-and-ready of the 3rd simulation done even neither with an environmental impact assessment nor procedure on the status change on the cultural treasure.
Even though water depth is supposed that it can be artificially controlled, the inner currents that occur by the gap between ebb and tide cannot be controlled by human beings. We have pointed out many times that the inner currents of the water area near the train rock are very high before this 3rd simulation.
As a result, we conclude that even the researchers themselves who carried out the 3rd simulation acknowledged the serious problems in the layout of turning basin and sea route. The 3rd simulation that was carried out even with neither synthetic plan and measures on the layout change and scientific investigation on the environment near the 30 ° sea route is merely a test completely ignored of the preceding conditions and nullification from the origin. It is because the result is also a lie, in the science formed based on lie.
Therefore the government should immediately stop construction (destruction) acknowledging the flaws in layout, not enforce construction (destruction) repeatedly saying “there is no problem in the matter of safety.” .
We aslo strongly demand the Island governor to make all the efforts for prompt construction stop and whole re-examination with the decision responsible for the history of Jeju, on behalf of the Island people, not blindly following the Government.
Feb. 1, 2013
The Gangjeong Village Association
National Network of Korean Civil Society for Opposing to the Naval Base in Jeju Island and
Jeju Pan-Island Committee for the Stop of Military Base and for Realization of Peace Island

Source: The 150,000 ton cruise sea route crosses the three overlapped preservation zones.
UNESCO Biosphere Reserves Core Zone
Seogwipo Municipal Marine Park
Ecological Landscape Preservation Area