“Policemen, if you move this altar, 1 billion Catholic followers all over the world will watch over you.” The young Father Woo from Jeju finished ALL the orders of the Catholic mass despite the repeated remarks by Koo Seul-Hwan, security director of the Seogwipo Police Station, who was embarrassed but continued to threaten him that it is an obstruction of […]
1. Island government attributes the cause of failure in invitation of the UN CBD COP to people’s WCC protest Some representing Jeju internet media criticize the Jeju Island government to point out the protesters opposing the Jeju naval base project as the cause of its failure to invite the UN CBD COP 12 (UN Convention on Biological Diversity, 12th Conference […]
1. Mr. Lee Jong-Hwa, a poet and peace activist, is to be imprisoned. Mr. Lee Jong-Hwa is a poet, writer and peace activist with a good-nature smile, lots of humor and tear. He is the poet who loves travel but now he is to be jailed. The first book he asked people in the police station where he is […]
The writing forwarded below is by Wang Yu-Hsuan, Taiwan, who wrote this in the night before her leaving on April 26. We, in the village, used to call him Emily, her nickname. She came to Gangjeong in 2011 and has been recently in overseas for two months. It is very emotional day for all the people who have known and thank […]
In this month’s issue: Connecting Gangjeong struggle with 4.3, villagers reject Military housing, Peace Book Cafe opening, Update on activists, film Jeju Prayer, Healing Hands with Achievement, Why Women must end the Korean War, Oliver Stone speaks candidly, power of Meotppuri, interview with mayor Kang, Maehang-ri, guest articles from several visitors, and more! Download PDF
It is the summary of what happened in the village from April 25 to 28. The Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea (SPARK) wrote on April 26: “The Park Geun-Hye government’s oppression on people is being started in earnest. Days ago, the incense burning site of the Ssangyong automobile workers installed in the Daehan gate, Seoul, was violently demolished […]
A sacred tree in the Gangjeong Village was designated as a Cultural Treasure No. 544. The Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea (CHAK) reported on April 26, 2013. The Headline Jeju, April 26, reports: ‘The evergreen tree, located near the camphor tree habitat (natural treasure No. 162), and belonging to the family of Elaeocarpus sylvestris var. ellipticus is a sacred tree by Jeju […]
Re-blog from the Intrepid Report Non-violence in times of war: Protest and resilience in Jeju, South Korea by Carole Reckinger April 16, 2013 In the midst of warmongering and a worsening of tensions between North and South Korea, a group of peace activists is continuing its non-violent struggle against the construction of a naval base on the island of […]
The two below messages are forward from Carolyn, Maine, US and Y. Nakamura, AWC_Japan. 1. Solidarity from Maine, US (April 15, 2013) “It is a link to one of the radio stories I produced in February about Gangjeong. This one aired last week.’ ‘Gangjeong village’s struggle against a navy base – produced by WERU volunteer Carolyn earlier this year, after […]
It was already reported on April 9 that: “‘It appeared that the sea area of the Beomseom (Tiger Island) designated as the government natural memorial is largely being threatened as big amount of mud water was leaked from the Jeju naval base construction site into the sea, for the strong rain and wind last weekend. The Jeju branch of the Korean Federation […]