In this month’s issue: City of Berkeley passes Gangjeong Resolution, 2014 base budget issues, Love letter from Afghanistan, Milyang solidarity, Gangjeong Crochet Project, Solidarity from Germany, trial updates, and more! Download PDF
In this month’s issue: City of Berkeley passes Gangjeong Resolution, 2014 base budget issues, Love letter from Afghanistan, Milyang solidarity, Gangjeong Crochet Project, Solidarity from Germany, trial updates, and more! Download PDF
Reblogged with permission from: Alchemy On Jeju Island | by Koohan Paik * I recently spoke with two members of Veterans for Peace, who had become involved with Korea issues in only the past few years. Each of them came to know Korea through their support for the Gangjeong villagers who have been battling, for nearly eight years straight, construction […]
Following the passage of a resolution by the City of Berkeley, we have further great news sent to us on Dec. 17: The motion to Stop The Second U.S. Assault On Jeju Island, Korea passed unanimously in the VfP local chapter. It was then sent to our national office. The National Board unanimously recommended a “Yes” vote, and put it […]
Reblogged with permission from: Love letter to Friends on Jeju Island | by Dr. Hakim and the Afghan Peace Volunteers in Kabul * See also this related link. Thanks so much, Dr. Hakim for sending this thoughtful and beautiful letter! To our dear friends on Jeju Island who have involved in your noble struggle at South Korea’s Gangjeong Village, […]
In this month’s issue: Gangjeong at the World Council of Churches, National and local base inspections, Solidarity from Philippines and Christian Peacemaker Teams, Peace for Life Forum and Women’s Pilgrimage Report, prisoner releases, trial updates, and more! Download PDF
Update, Dec. 11 from U.S. peace activists: ‘The historic vote on Jeju will be celebrated in a press conference at 6:30 PM on December 17 at Berkeley Old City Hall steps, 2134 MLK Jr. Way, Berkeley 94704 Hope you can attend the event! Phoebe Sorgen hopes you can stay and push for passage of Fukushima resolution as well.’ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE […]
‘An air force general in the reserve saying that “A FIGHTER HEAVILY EQUIPPED WITH ARMS cannot load many arms for long distance (* here, to the Ieodo in the south of Jeju) because its operation radius cannot but be narrowed, “ stated that, ‘however, with air oil feeder, the problems can be solved[..].” He also proposed as an alternative to BUILD AN AIR […]
Dr. Song Kang-Ho who has been imprisoned for his opposing activities against the Jeju naval base project for the 3rd time was released on bail on Nov. 29, after 151 prison days. On Nov. 27, the court made a decision of bail on Br. Park Do-Hyun and Dr. Song Kang-Ho. Both had been illegally and unjustly arrested together on July […]
Update: Dr. Song Kang-Ho was released on Nov. 29. Please see here. And Mr. Kang Bu-Eon was released on Dec. 3. Regis Tremblay, a movie director of ‘The Ghosts of Jeju,’ thankfully made these images for the English speakers. Bruce Gagnon writes in his blog: “These good people are right now languishing inside the jail house on Jeju Island, South […]
On Oct. 22, some people in Gangjeong had the chance to talk with Afghanistan peace volunteers through skype interview. See the link here. The talk was thanks to the bridge efforts by Regis Tremblay, Kathy Kelly, and Hakim Young. Many of the Afghanistan Peace Volunteers are youths and they are eager to have peace talk with the youths in Gangjeong […]