Even on Sunday, there was no rest for the people. The 24/7 construction (destruction) continued. Here is some collection of records.
Police Roughing out of people
Photos and captions by Cho Sung-Bong(translated)

Photo by Cho Sung-Bong/ Around 9:39pm, Oct. 28, Sun., Even the policemen look tired. Their face expression says.

Photo by Cho Sung-Bong/ Around 11:13pm, Oct. 28, Sun., Dance then police roughing out. The police look to make shift. The peacekeepers need shift, too.

Photo by Cho Sung-Bong/ Around 1:19am, Oct. 29, Mon.
Two cement mixer trucks come out. Three cement mixer trucks enter in.

Photo by Cho Sung-Bong/ Around 3:13am, Oct. 29, Mon. The police roughing out is exactly every two hours. The wind that has been strong has now stopped. The villagers installed two fire stoves fueled by woods on the street. After every struggle, they become the people’s gathering place.
Witness 1 : Around 9pm, Oct. 28, Sun/ By Park Yong-In and Navi (translated)

Photo source: Village website/ Around 9pm, Oct. 28/ When a policeman used impolite words, a male peacekeeper protested to him by grabbing the hand of him who was pulling the peacekeepers’ cloth. Then many policemen came to the peacekeeper and bent down his fingers remaining him an injury that needs two week’s medical cure. The ligaments of the both side of his finger were broken. (By Park Yong-In, Navi, 9pm, Oct. 28)
Witness 2: Around 11:54pm, Oct. 28, Sun. / Park Young-In (translated)
‘When a woman peacekeeper protested to a policeman since he did not put his identification tag in his police cloth during the police roughing out of people, the policemen replied to her, “Why I have to say that? I will never say it,” in contemptuous and impolite words. When she continued to protest to him following him, another policeman pushed her from the front and she fell down, hitting her back head on the roadway. There was neither apology nor safety check. The police (policewomen) have already made a woman activist carried to hospital for concussion [in the night of Oct. 26]. I hate that I become to hate human beings.” (Park Yong-In, 11:54pm, Oct. 28)
[Oct. 28 video] The police’s forceful rough out of people in the night is more and more serious
Video by Kim Gami http://youtu.be/JSWzv8JXNNY
(Source: http://cafe.daum.net/peacekj/GeUn/371 )
Summary of video : On Oct. 28, the 3rd night of 24 hour construction,
0:00 to 0:52
The police rough out a young man who was just standing still. Further the police make a warning broadcasting that he should not hit the police while he was only powerlessly being dragged by a group of police. People protest to such police lie. “Speak the right things!.” The police dare to grab his throat when he protests in words.
0:52 to 1:17
The police rough out and wield physical power to even a citizen who was only taking a video record.
1:18 to 3:26
The police violently rough out a man whose one hand was injured and bandaged with splint. The police even seem to intentionally grab the very hand to his pain. He was the one was carried to hospital by ambulance on the 1st night. See here. For the policemen, the word, ‘arrest!‘ without Miranda notice to isolated and non-violent protester is like a game. The police even push back protesting women. Even fallen women are on the ground, they are ignoring them and only focusing to carry out their duties, to the risk of women’s lives.
Many protesters’ not only human rights but lives are in danger during the night protests in Gangjeong. Please spread words. You may also contact the ROK National Police Agency for protest.
National Police Agency (http://www.police.go.kr/eng/index.jsp ) : cnpa100@police.go.kr