- English and other non-Korean language Media coverage of Gangjeong Village’s anti-base struggle, from 2007-Present (If you know of links that are not here let us know!):
Sep. 21, 2020 [Columban Missionaries Britain] Days of nonviolence
Dec. 19, 2019 [Hankyoreh] Scholars, activists worldwide opposed to construction of 2nd airport on Jeju
Dec. 19, 2019 [Korea Times] 507 international scholars, activists oppose Jeju’s 2nd airport
Oct. 28, 2018 [Hankyoreh] An elderly woman’s terrifying memories of being tortured by soldiers at 12 years old
Oct. 26, 2018 [Hankyoreh] Civic groups demand apology from US for massacres in April 3 “incident”
Oct. 13, 2018 [South China Morning Post] Jeju jittery as US warship visit reminds islanders of dark chapter in South Korea’s history
Oct. 11, 2018 [Hankyoreh]Peace activists protest International Naval Review in waters off Jeju
Dec. 13, 2017 [Hankyoreh] Government drops lawsuit against Gangjeong Village residents
Nov. 24, 2017 [Hankyoreh] American nuclear submarine enters Jeju Naval Base.
Nov. 8, 2017 [Hankyoreh] [Photo] Father Mun continues to protest US troop presence in South Korea
July 27, 2017 [Hankyoreh][Photo] Damage confirmed to coral reefs off of Gangjeong Village
June 21, 2017 [Hankyoreh] USS Destroyer and Canadian Naval Warships make first docking at Jeju naval base
June 16, 2017 [Hankyoreh] How outsiders found a home as guardians of Jeju’s Gangjeong Village
May 13, 2017 [Hankyoreh] [Photo] Gangjeong Village marks ten years of struggle
April 27, 2017 [Hankyoreh] Vietnam pieta: a last lullaby for peace in Vietnam, on Jeju Island
April 2, 2017 [Hankyoreh] [Reportage] After ten-year struggle, Gangjeong villagers beset by government indemnity claims
March 27, 2017 [Hankyoreh] [Reportage] After ten-year struggle, Gangjeong villagers beset by government indemnity claims
Feb. 7, 2017 [Hankyoreh] Civic groups oppose deployment of stealth destroyer to Jeju Naval Base
Feb. 1, 2017 [Reporter’s notebook] Residents of Gangjeong Village left scarred and bloody
Oct. 5, 2016 [Truth Out] A Cynical Environmentalism: Protecting Nature to Prepare for War
June 29, 2016 [Hankyoreh] [News analysis] What’s the real reason the Sewol left port that night?
June 28, 2016 [Hankyoreh] Sewol Commission lodges suits against lawmaker and journalist
June 21, 2016 [Jeju Weekly] Gangjeong fears as bulldozers move in again
June 10, 2016 [The Ecologist] Jeju Islanders resist airport megaproject
June 8, 2016 [OpEdNews] After Eight Years of Protest of Construction of Naval Base, Gangjeong Villagers Sued by South Korean Navy
March 30, 2016 [Hankyoreh] Navy files suit for losses against locals that opposed naval base in Jeju
March 11, [YAV site-Daejeon] Heartbreak for Jeju
Feb. 27 [Hankyoreh Photo] Gangjeong Village declared a peace village
Feb. 26 [Hankyoreh Photo] Gangjeong Village naval base construction completed
Feb. 26 [NK News] Jeju port completed, may pressure N.Korean WMD transport
Jan. 3 [Korea FM] US Vets Protest Jeju Naval Base
Dec. 29, 2015 [Jeju Weekly] Aegis arrival opens naval era for Jeju
Dec. 9, 2015 [Hankyoreh] Visiting US veterans say Gangjeong Naval Base won’t lead to peace
Dec. 2, 2015 [Hankyoreh] With naval base, can Jeju remain an “Island of World Peace”?
Nov. 30, 2015 [Hankyoreh][Feature] One gov’t critic now feeling the brunt of “politics of vengeance and retribution”
Nov. 25, 2015 [Hankyoreh]Exhibition shows scars of 3,000 days of struggle on Jeju’s Gangjeong Village
Nov. 4, 2015 [Common Dreams]Islanders Unite to Resist a New Pacific War
Oct. 26, 2015 [Korea Herald] Navy to open Jeju base in Dec.
Sept. 20, 2015 [Independent Catholic News]South Korea: No Naval Base on Jeju
Sept. 17, 2015 [Hankyoreh]First vessel arrives at contested naval base on Jeju Island
Sept. 16, 2015 [Times Record opinion] Where Do These Destroyers Go?
Sept. 15, 2015 [International Strategy Center] Against All Odds: Celebrating Life and Peace in Jeju Island
May 11, 2015 [Hankyoreh] Artists’ years of support by mother and sister the basis for film on labor’s agony
Feb. 2, 2015 [Editorial] Destruction of Gangjeong Village tents warrants more than limp regret
Jan. 17, 2015 [HanCinema’s Film Review]“Torment in the Paradise” (* The official title of the movie is Mira Story)
Jan. 8, 2015 [Consortium News]Resisting a Navy Base on China’s Periphery
12. 19. 2014 [Jeju Weekly] Lessons from Nanjing for Jeju Island
12. 16. 2014 [National Catholic Reporter] Despite age and poor health, Jesuit activist continues to fight for peace
12.05-07. 2014 [Counter Punch] Jeju: “Island of Peace” in the Crosshairs of War
06.19.2014 [Jeju Weekly] Going to Gangjeong Changed my life
10.31.2013 Daily resistance to the forces of militarism on Jeju | Pax Christi USA
10.27.2013 Ghosts of Jeju: The history behind the resistance to a naval base on Korea’s island of peace | TC Daily Planet
10.24.2013 Irish Missionaries lead Korea Military Protest | The Irish Catholic
10.17.2013 America’s Destructive Pivot to Asia by Ann Wright | Op-Ed News
07.10.2013 Will S. Korea’s New Naval Base Provoke China? by Andrew Yeo | The Diplomat
05.29.2013 Bringing War to the “Island of Peace” | Scientific American (repost by Scientific Research Diving at USC Dornsife)
04.22.2013 Why I Went to Jeju by Dud Hendrick | War Is a Crime
04.16.2013 Non-violence in times of war: Protest and resilience in Jeju, South Korea | Intrepid Report
04.15.2013 Maine, US, US Honoring Their Descendants | The Times Record
03.13.2013 Priests were apparently turned away for their views on conflict with North Korea and naval base construction on Jeju Island | Hankyoreh
03.08.2013 Why Women Must End the Korean War | FPIF
02.28.2013 North Korea and the United States: Will the Real Aggressor Please Stand Down? | Truth Out
02.28.2013 Statement Opposing U.S.-South Korea Joint Military Exercises Key Resolve Foal Eagle | War is A Crime
02.28.2013 Stop War Games, Start Peace Talks | War Is a Crime
02.23.2013 The US- North Korea Confrontation: All-out War or Permanent Peace in the Region? | Global Research News
02.16.2013 STOP WAR GAMES, START PEACE TALKS | Space 4 Peace
02.14.2013 Jeju Island: Assault on Island of Peace | Just Comment
02.06.2013 Korean Spy Agency Accused of Influencing Presidential Election | koreaBANG
02.05.2013 Support the Residents of the Jeju Islands off the Coast of Korea to Stop Construction of the Jeju Naval Base Resolution Petition | City of Berkeley
02.04.2013 Japan bishops add support to Jeju protest | UCA News
02.01.2013 Jeju Protester Given 18 Month Jail Sentence | The Ghosts of Jeju
01.30.2013 Korea’s new right-wing president | Socialist Worker
01.28.2013 Jeju Naval Base Protests in Seoul | Social Movements in World Politics
01.25.2013 Jeju’s Future After the Election | Peace Network
01.23.2013 Opposition lawmakers, defense ministry clash over Jeju naval base | Yonhap
01.15.2013 Blowback in the Asia-Pacific: Another US Naval Base in Jeju Island, Korea DIRECTLY TARGETING CHINA | The 4th Media
01.14.2013 Olle newcomers: A review of Jeju Olle Course 7 | Jeju World Wide
01.13.2013 30,000 reasons to say no to the naval base in Jeju | Not Only For Myself
01.11.2013 Is new Korean president out of step with the Church? | Sunday Examiner
01.08.2013 #Gangjeong: “To Honor Our Descendants, We Cannot Stop” | Code Pink Coordinator
01.07.2013 Waiting for peaceful sunlight | Hankyoreh
01.04.2013 Jeju Island Naval Base- A Threat to the South Korean Island of World Peace | Columban Fathers
01.02.2013 Resisting Racism and Militarism in 2013 | War Is a Crime
01.02.2013 Defenders of the Planet in Gangjeong, South Korea | Code Pink Coordinator
01.01.2013 South Korea parliament belatedly approves 2013 budget | Gulf News
01.01.2013 Korean Lawmakers Fail to Strike Deal on 2013 Budget | Arirang
12.28.2012 Protesters demand justice for marginalized | UCA News
12.24.2012 Korea: Jesuit jailed over Jeju Island protest | Independent Catholic News
12.14.2012 On the Front Lines of a New Pacific War | The Nation.
12.14.2012 Court deems Jeju naval base lawful | Korea JoongAng Daily
11.30.2012 Trouble in paradise: Three people arrested in Gangjeong, South Korea, protesting naval base construction | Intrepid Report
11.20.2012 COREA DEL SUR: un segundo jesuita es arrestado por oponerse a la violencia | Noticias Jesuitas
11.19.2012 No alla base navale in Sud Corea: arrestato un secondo gesuita | popoli
11.19.2012 Jeju Island: A Pawn in the Imperial Struggle | Subversive Peacemaking
11.13.2012 Enjeux stratégiques en mer de Chine : île de Jeju, la résistance désespérée d’un village sud-coréen | rfi
11.06.2012 Antimilitarismo al estilo Surcoreano | War Resisters’ International
11.05.2012 South Korea: Need To Show More Commitments To Human Rights | Scoop Independent News
11.02.2012 Ahn calls for Lee’s apology over Jeju base plan | The Korea Times
10.31.2012 SOUTH KOREA: Need to show more commitments to improve its human rights | Asian Human Rights Commission
10.29.2012 Korean Village Could Be First Casualty of US Military’s “Pacific Pivot” | Earth Island Journal
10.29.2012 24/7 construction met with 24/7 resistance on Jeju Island | The Nuclear Resister
10.25.2012 ‘We are Gangjeong Style’: South Koreans protest military base on Jeju Island | WarTimes
10.22.2012 Antimilitarism South Korean Style | War Resisters’ International
10.19.2012 Korean Civil Society and Faith Leaders Protest Jeju Naval Base | Columban Fathers
10.18.2012 Navy report: Jeju naval base to accommodate US nuclear submarine | Hankyoreh
10.17.2012 ‘Island of Peace’ under siege | Journal Online
10.13.2012 2013: First year for Korean peace | Asia Times
10.11.2012 Evidence shows government ordered data doctored on Jeju naval base | Hankyoreh
10.08.2012 US Military Base in South Korea Threatens China: The Threat of Warships on an “Island of World Peace” | GlobalResearch
10.07.2012 The Threat of Warships on an “Island of World Peace” | In These Times
09.27.2012 South Korea’s Peace Villagers Can’t Stop the Budding US Defense Project, but They’ve Managed to Slow It Down | Truthout
09.20.2012 Solidarity Action with Jeju Island | Indybay
09.20.2012 A View of What’s to Come | Truthout
09.18.2012 Jeju environment conference ends without resolution on Gangjeong Village | Hankyoreh
09.12.2012 Resolution sought to halt Gangjeong naval base construction | Hankyoreh
09.11.2012 “Connecting the Dots: The Uprisings in Guahan, Kauai, and Jeju” | KPRG
09.11.2012 IUCN: Anti-Base Activists From Okinawa Not Allowed To Enter South Korea | Kurashi
09.09.2012 ‘Save Jeju’ Action | Columban Missionaries Britain
09.07.2012 Environmental conference kicks off in Jeju | Hankyoreh
09.07.2012 Environmentalists Stifled in Jeju | FPIF
09.07.2012 Environment Congress Looks First at the Island It’s Meeting On | Inter Press Service
09.06.2012 Naval Base Protest Rocks IUCN World Conservation Congress | Environment News Service
08.24.2012 Nicholson Baker Records a Protest Song | Slate
08.10.2012 Jeju Island Base Divides Korean, International Green Groups | Inter Press Service
08.09.2012 Riot police break up protesters’ Mass | UCA News
08.01.2012 Korea: Street Mass on Jeju Island | Independent Catholic News
08.01.2012 ‘To Protect Peace’ | Sojourners
07.31.2012 The Imperial ‘Pivot’ to Asia-Pacific and the New Cold War | JUST International
07.19.2012 Environmentalists Miss Chance to Protest Base | Foreign Policy in Focus
07.13.2012 IUCN Statement on Korean Environmental Issues | IUCN
07.13.2012 Appeal: International Action Week for No Naval Base | Gangjeong Int’l
07.05.2012 Supreme court rules Gangjeong naval base legal | Jeju Weekly
07.05.2012 Supreme court rules Jeju naval base construction lawful | Yonhap
06.23.2012 Large luxury cruise ship arrives in Jeju Island | Korea Times
06.21.2012 US initiating trilateral cooperation in Asia-Pacific and beyond | Hankyoreh
06.07.2012 South Korea to build base despite criticism | Turkish Weekly
06.05.2012 Press statement upon the Jeju forum of peace | Peace Network
06.02.2012 Korean navy defies governor and begins blasting in Jeju | Sunday Examiner
06.01.2012 Defending Korea’s Peace Island | The New Internationalist
05.28.2012 Heavy-handed immigration law irks foreigners | AsiaOne
05.08.2012 The Great Peace Movement on Jeju Island | Father John Dear
05.07.2012 Caisson to be dropped in waters at Jeju | The Korea Herald
05.06.2012 In South Korea, a small island town takes on the navy | LA Times
04.25.2012 IUCN statement: Jeju civilian-military complex port development | IUCN
04.20.2012 South Korea’s Jeju Island, paradise with a dark side | The Washington Post
03.26.2012 Touch not one stone, one flower | Gwangju News
03.26.2012 Candlelit protest scheduled on Jeju Island | The Korea Times
03.23.2012 Seoul Rejects provincial appeal to re-examine naval base | Jeju Weekly
03.20.2012 New turmoil on Jeju as Gureombi is blasted | Hankyoreh
03.16.2012 Åttonde rapporten från Gangjoeng | zitzer
03.12.2012 Manifestations à Jeju : « Sommes-nous encore en démocratie ? », interrogent les évêques catholiques | EDA
03.12.2012 Grassroots international pressure…against Jeju naval base | Hankyoreh
03.11.2012 Sjunde rapporten från Gangjoeng | zitzer
03.10.2012 Liberal parties agree to form alliance for April elections | Yonhap
03.09.2012 Protests continue against building of South Korean naval base | CNN
03.09.2012 Complaint filed against woman critical of naval base | Korea Times
03.09.2012 Korean bishop rips government over naval base | CWN
03.09.2012 Demolitions reignite Jeju Island protests | Al Jazeera Stream
03.09.2012 DUP vows to stop Jeju naval base | JoongAng Daily
03.08.2012 Gorgeous photo increases fury over Jeju Island blasts | CNN Go
03.08.2012 Blasting continues on Jeju despite protests | The Korea Times
03.08.2012 Sjätte rapporten från Gangjeong | zitzer
03.07.2012 Crews clear rocks for Jeju naval base | KBS World
03.07.2012 Jeju naval base faces strong protest | The Wall Street Journal
03.06.2012 Jeju requests temporary suspension of naval base project | Donga Ilbo
03.04.2012 Femte rapporten från Gangjeong | zitzer
03.03.2012 Fjärde rapporten från Seoul | zitzer
02.27.2012 Tredje rapporten från Gangjeong | zitzer
02.27.2012 Jeju hosts meeting on global militarization | Jeju Weekly
02.26.2012 Korean naval base protest priest wants jail term | CathNews
02.26.2012 Korean villagers gain international support for resistance to US base | Ekklesia
02.26.2012 Andra rapporten från Gangjeong | zitzer
02.24.2012 Första rapporten från Gangjeong | zitzer
02.24.2012 Anti-Base Campaigners Flock to World Heritage Jeju Island | ENS
02.24.2012 South Korean Catholic priests get suspended jail terms | The News Age
02.24.2012 4 clergymen given suspended prison terms over naval base protests | The Korea Times
02.23.2012 President Lee presses China over North Korean defectors | Korean Herald
02.22.2012 Pres. Lee to Hold Special News Conference Wendesday | Arirang
02.21.2012 Lee to reiterate position on KORUS FTA, naval base plan | Korea Herald
02.18.2012 Rocky seas around Jeju naval base | Hankyoreh
02.17.2012 South Korea Cracks Down on Dissent | Huffington Post
02.16.2012 South Korea cracks down on dissent | Foreign Policy in Focus
02.05.2012 Robert Redford protests naval base plan on Jeju Island | Korea Times
02.04.2012 Village festival of fire marks lunar new year in celebration of peace | SJI
02.03.2012 New Naval Base a Threat to Jeju Island, South Korea | UCC
02.03.2012 Video | Jeju Island Documentary “A Call Against Arms” | Al Jazeera
02.03.2012 Imprisoned Professor Yang Yoon-Mo vows hunger strike till death | SJI
02.02.2012 The Battle for Jeju Island By Robert Redford | OnEarth Magazine
02.01.2012 2012 Nobel Peace Prize nominee heading to Gangjeong village | Ekklesia
01.26.2012 Letter to ROK president addresses concerns for UNESCO site | WCRC
01.26.2012 The pivot towards Asia-Pacific and Jeju Island | Op-Ed News
01.25.2012 Controversial film on Gangjeong Village finally hits theatres | Hankyoreh
01.17.2012 Catholic organizations fighting Jeju naval base | Hankyoreh
01.16.2012 Asian Human Rights Commission “Disturbed” by Gangjeong violations | Asian Human Rights Commission
01.13.2012 Global Network news on Jeju Island naval base resistance | GN
01.11.2012 Photography of Civil Unrest from Gangjeong, South Korea | Memphis Flyer
12.30.2011 Korean Lawmakers Reach Bipartisan Agreement on 2012 Budget | Arirang
12.26.2011 More than 100 writers to walk for peace till January 20th | Jeju Weekly
12.21.2011 Parties resume budget deliberations | Korea Herald
12.16.2011 At United Nations no comment on Jeju Island crackdown | Inner City Press
12.15.2011 Protest Heightens Against Base on Island of World Peace | Truthout
12.14.2011 Popping the Jeju Bubble (English version | FPIF
12.14.2011 Popping the Jeju Bubble (Korean translation) | FPIF/Asia Times
12.12.2011 Saving Jeju: The winnable fight we can’t afford to lose | Ceasefire Magazine
12.07.2011 Resisting militarism in Korea | Fellowship for Reconciliation
12.06.2011 Is S.Korean navy finally backed into a corner on the Jeju Base project? | Hankyoreh
12.04.2011 Final Statement of Mayor Kang Dong-Kyun at the Jeju Court House | SJI
11.21.2011 The story of one journalist jailed in gangjeong village | SJI
11.18.2011 Samsung the Coral Killer – Destroyer of Beaches | SJI
11.18.2011 Matthew Hoey continues campaign against Jeju naval base | Hankyoreh
11.18.2011 Expert: Jeju Island naval base will destroy livelihoods | Open Democracy
11.17.2011 Urgent Global Alert: All eyes on Jeju Island | Ground Report
11.16.2011 Help Stop Destruction of Jeju Island’s Pristine Volcanic Coastline | OPED News
11.15.2011 Columbans in Korea protest construction of military base | ICN
11.10.2011 Trouble in Paradise – The Militarisation of Jeju Island | IPS
11.09.2011 A Call Against Arms | Al Jazeera
11.08.2011 US to use S. Korean base to project power against China? | RT
11.08.2011 Priests begin hunger strike | Catholic News
11.07.2011 At the Heart of Activism | Huffington Post
11.03.2011 Environmental Justice Abroad on Jeju Island | City on a Hill Press
11.02.2011 Closing Overseas Bases Is Good Policy and Good Politics | Antiwar
11.01.2011 Bases on the Dock | Truthout
10.31.2011 Company backs down over fence at Jeju base site | Hankyoreh
10.27.2011 Historic BCE artifacts found in Gangjeong | Jeju Weekly
10.26.2011 Speaker in Northampton to detail opposition to naval base | GazetteNET
10.20.2011 Defense Ministry misled civilians on Jeju base plan | Hankyoreh
10.17.2011 U.S. Seeks to Establish Naval Base on Jeju Island in Spite of Protests
10.17.2011 U.S. and South Korea: A Rosy Relationship, With Thorns | IPS
10.17.2011 Should Jeju have a naval base? | Korea Herald
10.16.2011 Legal protest dispersed during S.Korea-U.S. summit | Hankyoreh
10.16.2011 East Asia is becoming a region of increasing security challenges | PressTV
10.14.2011 South Korean naval base to trigger arms race | Russia Today
10.13.2011 Save Jeju activists outside the White House | Hankyoreh
10.13.2011 Planned base on Jeju Island has security implications for Asia | Japan Today
10.13.2011 Red carpet treatment for key US ally | Russia Today
10.13.2011 A Tiny Fishing Village Engulfed In A Geopolitical Maelstrom | Le Monde
10.11.2011 Catholic Church threatens revolt over Jeju Island base | UCA News
10.11.2011 Jeju Island Naval Base Facing Strong Resistance | Korean Beacon
10.11.2011 Save Jeju Island campaign to join rally against President Lee at White House | PRLOG.org
10.09.2011 Of Bases and Budgets in South Korea | FPIF
10.08.2011 Preserving the Island of World Peace | ACTivist magazine
10.07.2011 Jeju: Island of Resistance | Waging Nonviolence
10.07.2011 Naval base plan stokes conflict on Jeju | Asia Times
10.07.2011 Naval base not only dock for Jeju Island | Washington Times
10.06.2011 U.S. base tests dueling interests in S. Korea | Washington Times
10.06.2011 The Threat of Warships on an ‘Island of World Peace’ | By Noam Chomsky
10.05.2011 Conflicts over naval base resurface on Jeju | Korea Times
10.05.2011 Video | South Korea on heels over Jeju naval base plan | PressTV
10.04.2011 Jeju Provincial Council announces opposition to naval base | Hankyoreh
10.04.2011 Students, workers from Hanjin arrested in Jeju | Joongang Daily
09.29.2011 Preserving the Island of World Peace Chomsky-Hoey op-ed | Hankyoreh
09.29.2011 Christine Ahn discusses Jeju Island | 94.1 Berkeley Radio
09.28.2011 The Jeju naval base and China | Peace Network Korea
09.26.2011 Jeju base discussed at New York University forum | Hankyoreh
09.23.2011 Standoff over South Korean naval base | Christian Science Monitor
09.22.2011 National Assembly’s Inspection of Gov’t Agencies Enters Day 4 | KBS
09.15.2011 Where is promised green growth? | Korea Times
09.13.2011 Construction of Disputed Navel Base Resumes | The Chosun Ilbo
09.08.2011 Standoff escalates over Jeju naval base | Korea Herald
09.08.2011 Peace on Jeju Island | The Duke University Chronicle
09.08.2011 Two-sided agreement again Jeju base project to be flawed | Kyunghyang
09.07.2011 South Korea turns tourist resort into weapon | People’s Daily China
09.06.2011 Ruins uncovered at naval base site reveal Korea’s ancient past | Hankyoreh
09.06.2011 Gangjeong Mayor Kang joins Mayor’s for Peace while in Jeju prison | 2020 Vision Campaign
09.06.2011 Construction resumes on Jeju naval base, but rift remains | Yonhap
09.05.2011 Video | South Korea naval base construction resumes | BBC
09.05.2011 Democratic process needs to be restored in base dispute | Hankyoreh
09.05.2011 Will Jeju naval base trigger arms race in Asia? | Korea Times
09.05.2011 Voices of Gangjeong villagers ignored | Korea Times
09.04.2011 Video | South Koreans protest Jeju Island naval base construction | PressTV
09.04.2011 The “True Defenders” of Jeju Island | Garden Island News Hawaii
09.03.2011 Priests and lay people arrested for protesting against military base | CBCP
09.03.2011 Clashes erupt at ROK naval base site – protests continue | MSNBC
09.03.2011 South Korea Halts an Anti-Base Protest (for now) | New York Times
09.03.2011 South Korean activists plan protest against base | Channel News Asia
09.03.2011 Video | South Korean activists gather in protest at Jeju naval base | BBC
09.02.2011 The truth behind the vote that brought a military base to paradise | SJI
09.02.2011 ROK Police Detain Island Activists Opposed to Base | New York Times
09.02.2011 South Korean activists protest at Jeju naval base | BBC
09.02.2011 Photos and updates | Police close the anti-naval base camp | Jeju Weekly
09.02.2011 South Korea police break up protest against navy base | AFP
09.01.2011 Inside the Gangjeong ‘Peace Camp’ | Jeju Weekly
09.01.2011 Police deployed to fortify Jeju base construction site | Hankyoreh
09.01.2011 South Korean village raided – many activists arrested | OpEdNews
08.31.2011 The plea of people ignored | Korea Times
08.31.2011 Crackdown imminent at naval site | Korea Times
08.31.2011 A blue print for preventing democracy on Jeju Island | Dong-a Ilbo
08.30.2011 District court forbids anti-base protests on Jeju | Joongang Daily
08.30.2011 Clash brewing at Gangjeong village | Korea Times
08.30.2011 Standoff escalates over Jeju naval base | Korea Herald
08.29.2011 Islanders favor referendum on Jeju naval base project: poll | Jeju Weekly
08.29.2011 “Obstructing Business”: South Koreans on the March | Huffington Post
08.29.2011 Does Hard-line Jeju Response Signal New ‘Public Safety’ Crackdown? | Kyunghyang Shinmun
08.29.2011 Government should ease, not foster, social conflicts on Jeju | Korea Times
08.28.2011 Parliamentary panel begins inspection on Jeju naval base | Yonhap News
08.28.2011 Gangjeong naval base is a genie we can’t put back | Jeju Weekly
08.26.2011 Rival parties divided over standoff over Jeju naval base | Yonhap News
08.26.2011 Alternative Plans Needed in Jeju Naval Base Conflict | Kyunghyang
08.26.2011 [Editorial] A Jeju naval base referendum | Hankyoreh
08.26.2011 Residents of Tourist Haven Fight Plans to Build Naval Base | Truthout
08.26.2011 Jeju base site protesters challenge law authority | Joongang Daily
08.26.2011 Police arrest priest in Jeju protest | Catholic News
08.25.2011 Construction, protests and arrests intensify Jeju naval base standoff | Hankyoreh
08.25.2011 Anglicans join opposition to naval base | UCA News
08.24.2011 Conflicts over Jeju naval base escalate | Korea Times
08.22.2011 Jeju Naval Base and Security Dilemma | Peace Network Korea
08.21.2011 South Korea: The Church against the military base in Jeju Island | Spero Forum
08.19.2011 South Korean Navy Base Divides Jeju Island Residents | New York Times
08.19.2011 Naval Base Tears Apart Korean Village | FPIF
08.18.2011 A Naval Base in South Korea (Continued) | New York Times
08.18.2011 Bishop Peter Kang issues letter against naval base | UCA News
08.17.2011 Sung-Hee Choi released from Korean prison; Jeju resistance mounts | Nuke Resister
08.17.2011 Final Testimony of Choi Sung-Hee | Save Jeju Island Campaign
08.17.2011 Islanders fearing superpower squeeze | International Herald Tribune
08.16.2011 Jeju Naval Base and National Interests of Korea | Peace Network Korea
08.16.2011 Additional police from mainland deployed to Gangjeong | Jeju Weekly
08.15.2011 Jeju Island naval base tensions escalate with arrival of riot police from Seoul | PR-Inside.com
08.15.2011 National and International Protests Challenge Naval Base | Japan Focus
08.15.2011 An American Jeju? | Jeju Weekly
08.14.2011 Seoul police deploy 500 officers to Jeju | Hankyoreh
08.13.2011 Activists rally against new S Korea navy base | Al Jazeera
08.12.2011 Save Jeju, save peace | Korea Times
08.07.2011 Row deepens over naval base project in Jeju | Korea Times
08.07.2011 Controversy over Jeju naval base mounts | Korea Herald
08.06.2011 The Arms Race Intrudes on Paradise | New York Times
08.05.2011 Unwanted Missiles for a Korean Island | New York Times
08.04.2011 5-party coalition announces opposition to Jeju base | Hankyoreh
08.01.2011 Defending the island of peace | Korean Quarterly
07.27.2011 Endangered peace in Gangjeong Village | Hankyoreh
07.21.2011 Update on Jeju Island | Reaching Critical Will
07.20.2011 Naval Base Construction in Jeju-do Not Something to Be Left to Navy Alone | Kyunghyang Shinmun
07.19.2011 Rising tension in Gangjeong w/images | Jeju Weekly
07.18.2011 South Korean Crackdown on Peace Activists w/satellite image | Cryptome
07.17.2011 The 1542nd day against the naval base construction on Jeju Island | From Los Palos
07.16.2011 Police crack down on peaceful resistance to Jeju Island naval base | PRLOG.org
07.15.2011 More activists arrested at Jeju naval base protest site | Hankyoreh
07.11.2011 Protests Challenge Naval Base Construction on Jeju Island | Japan Focus
06.15.2011 Korea women want nature instead of naval base on Jeju Island | Women’s News Network
06.15.2011 Koreans resume hunger strikes opposing proposed naval base | National Catholic Reporter
05.15.2011 Wasting Lives and Money By Fmr. Senator Fritz Hollings | Huffington Post
06.13.2011 Villagers resist base construction on Jeju Island | Asia Pacific Forum
06.13.2011 Stop the Construction of Naval Base at Gangjeong on Jeju Island | NARPI
06.07.2011 Protecting Natural Reserve from Naval Base Construction | Scoop.co.nz
06.02.2011 Escalating an Asian Arms Race | Oped News
04.10.2011 Island of Peace? The peace culture of Jeju Island | Jeju Weekly
02.06.2011 Maritime security takes center stage | Jeju Weekly
07.16.2010 Court gives nod to big Navy port on Jeju Island South Korea | Korea Joongang Daily
06.30.2010 Jeju islanders want love not war | A Times
05.03.2010 U.S. complicit in Jeju Island massacre? | Jeju Weekly
04.27.2010 South Korea to Build Naval Base on Jeju Island | CRI.cn
02.02.2010 Korean Navy launches first destroyer task flotilla | Korea Joongang Daily
01.19.2010 Protestors removed from planned base site | Korea Joongang Daily
01.18.2010 Korean Police Arrest Protesters Against Jeju Island Naval Base | ENS
08.28.2009 Beleaguered Jeju governor survives recall vote | Korea Joongang Daily
07.15.2009 Recall Vote on Jeju Governor Gets Nod | The Korea Times
06.30.2009 Vote to Unseat Jeju Governor Planned in Response to Base Plans | The Korea Times
04.27.2009 K2 Tank Production Suffers Budget Cut – Jeju Base Remains Funded | The Korea Times
10.20.2008 Protesting Aegis in Maine and South Korea | Oped News
08.03.2007 Military to Buy Land for Naval Base on Jeju Next Year | Arirang
07.25.2007 Korean ‘peace’ island diocese launches effort to attack ‘evil’ of naval base | Catholic.org
07.20.2007 Jeju Residents Clash Over Naval Base Plan | The Korea Times
05.23.2007 Priests go on hunger strike to protest naval base plan | Catholic.org
05.10.2007 Bishop voices opposition to naval base, stating arms can’t guarantee peace | Catholic.org
05.07.2007 Jeju still split as base decision nears | Korea Joongang Daily
05.01.2007 South Jeju citizens resist navy base construction | Hankyoreh
04.27.2007 Priests, nuns protesting against naval base plan arrested | Catholic.org
04.25.2007 Jeju must consider the nation’s needs | Korea Joongang Daily