Jeju Sori, March 5, 2012 (with a video)
People’s press conference in the morning
On March 5, 2012, the Island governor expressed his position demanding on temporary reservation of the naval base construction (destruction). However, it is very likely that the Seogwipo Police station under the central government scenario would allow the navy to blast the Gureombi rocky coast. People are being intensely organized to fight against the blast on uncertain but coming-soon day. Please pressure more the Island governor Woo Keun-Min. The life of Yang Yoon-Mo who is identified with the Gureombi rocky coast and who hits the 28th prison fast as of March 6 may depend on your help: Please save Gureombi and Yang Yoon-Mo!
(1) Save Gureombi, Save Yang Yoon-Mo!
March 5 began with people’s determined press conference in front of the Seogwipo Police Station around 11 am amid rain drops. It was rainy all day. Villagers and people from the Island, nationwide, and international (Angie Zelter) demanded the authorities to stop the plan on the blast of the Gureombi, to stop construction immediately and appealed to save Yang Yoon-Mo who has been told that he would cut even water and bits of salt if the coast begins to destroyed in earnest by the naval base destruction. (For photos/ video, see an attached photo and those in the links)
(2) The Island governor demanded a temporary reservation on the naval base construction (destruction) and ‘fair verification,’ on base layout.
Around 1pm, the Island governor Woo Keun-Min made public his position, in the form of four people’s joint statement. The statement was titled ‘press conference statement by the four demanding a temporary reservation on the construction [of naval base] for fair verification.’
The four are, beside governor Woo: Oh Choong-Jin, chairman of the Jeju provincial council, Kim Dong-Wan, chairman of the Jeju branch of the Saenuri Party (* former Grand National Party, the current ruling party of South Korea) and Kim Jae-Yoon, chairman of the Jeju branch of the Democratic Unity Party
You can see the whole original Korean script, here:
The point of the statement is, in a word, that the four cannot accept the position of the Central government that currently enforces the Jeju naval base construction. The four’s main demand is a ‘fair verification’ that should be a prior task before any continuing construction (destruction) regarding the current controversy on the fatally flawed base (harbor & bay) layout, on the premise of the so called ‘beautiful tourism port for mixed civilian-military use,’ where free entry & exit of the 150,000 cruise are guaranteed.
While the villagers, of course, oppose the idea of so called ‘beautiful tourism port for mixed civilian-military use,’ which is only a fake, the governor’s such statement was positively interpreted by many people in the sense that it ‘provided a ground for the peaceful settlement of the naval base issue though being late, since it was declared amidst impending matter of the blast of the Gureombi rock.’ (A part of the comment by the United Progressive Party, March 5)
A Jeju media interprets such Island government and politicians’ position that the central government has brought upon itself by its unreasonable enforcement on naval base construction ignoring even the opinion by local government, not to mention the villagers and Jeju Island people.
(3) Despite the Island government’s position, the navy’s enforcement on the blast on the Gureombi is very likely. More pressure on the governor Woo Keun-Min is indeed needed.
Above all, there is little possibility that the measure authorized by the highest decision frame of the national policy control meeting of the central government, of which the content was stated by the Prime Minister on Feb. 29, following President Lee Myung Bak’s open announcement to enforce the Jeju naval construction (destruction) on Feb. 22, is to be changed.
A bad sign can be glimpsed by the Island governor’s failure to meet the very two- chief of the Jeju Provincial Police Agency (Chung Chul-Soo) and chief of the Seogwipo Police Station (Lee Dong-Min)-who were absent in their offices at the time of the visit by the governor himself and Oh Choong-Jin, chairman of the Island council who had wanted to deliver their faced wish to them to pose on the plan on the blast of the Gureombi.
Chung and Lee, the chiefs of the Jeju province and Seogwipo City police agencies are told to say only later that they would “make a decent decision, (following laws and ordinances) on the matter of allowing [the navy-contracted companies] on the use of gun powders by March 8 (* the police answer-due date for any civilian appeal is given five days, except for weekends. The companies have applied for it on March 2)
(4) The navy-contracted companies have already drilled more than 45 holes in the Gureombi rock to put the gun powders. People are intensely organizing themselves to stop the disaster on the first day of the navy’s conduct of the blast. If carried, the blast is planned to go for five months. People here have to endure very difficult time at least for a month then.
The Seogwipo Police station, after its start on the review on the companies’ application document, entered on field investigation of the naval base construction area in the afternoon of March 5.
According to the Jeju Domin Ilbo:
‘The total amount of the gun powder applied by the navy-contracted companies is 44ton. For the blast, the Samsung C&T will be charged of the 1st construction work area in the land part, while the Daelim Industry and its sub-contracted companies are charged of the 2nd construction work area in the coast.’
The companies are to make the caisson-building area after blast. The caissons of huge cement blocks will be laid on the site of sea-dredging, killing the UNESCO-designated soft corals and the IUCN(International Union of Conservation on Nature) endangered Indo-Pacific bottle nose dolphins.
(5) With your more pressure on the Island governor who has the right to cancel the navy over the license to reclaim the public water and its adjacent surface and who has the right to rescind over the ex-Island government’s wrong decision to cancel the absolute preservation area in Dec. 2009 (* The absolute preservation areas in the Gangjeong village are: the Joongduk coast of which we call most part as the Gureombi and the vicinity area of the Gangejong stream), the plan on the blast of the Gureombi can be at least postponed. It would also save the life of Yang Yoon-Mo who has declared that he would cut even water and bits of salt upon the main destruction of the Gureombi rocky coast.
Please remind his words:
‘If Gureombi (the sacred rocky coastline) lives, I live. If Gureombi dies, I die. Do not cry for me. Cry for the future generations who may not be able to feel the beauty of Gureombi. Gureombi is the medium to connect myself and the sky. The self, the sky, Gureombi have become one. This commitment is a call from God.’
(Note by Mary Beth Sullivan upon her visit of Yang Yoon-Mo on Feb. 28)
To write a letter to Woo Keun-Min:
Mr. Woo Keun-Min
The government of Jeju-do
312-1, Yeon-dong, Jeju-si, Jeju-do
Fax: +82 64 710 3009
E-mail: jejumaster@jeju.go.kr
Also please consider to write a protest letter to:
Mr. Lee Myung-Bak
1 Sejong-no, Jongno-gu
Seoul, 110-820
Fax: +82 2 770 4751
E-mail: foreign@president.go.kr or president@cwd.go.kr or president@president.go.kr
Mr. Kim Kwan-Jin
Minister, Ministry of National Defense
No. 1, Yongsan-dong 3-ga
Yongsan-gu, Seoul
Tel: +82 2 748 1111
Fax: +82 2 748 6895
E-mail: cyber@mnd.go.kr
Image source:
1. People’s press conference in the morning, Catholic mass in the afternoon, police alignment on the day
[Photos/ Video]
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