The two below messages are forward from Carolyn, Maine, US and Y. Nakamura, AWC_Japan. 1. Solidarity from Maine, US (April 15, 2013) “It is a link to one of the radio stories I produced in February about Gangjeong. This one aired last week.’ ‘Gangjeong village’s struggle against a navy base – produced by WERU volunteer Carolyn earlier this year, after she returned from a trip to the area [..]’ ‘I’m sending along a photo of a banner we’ll bring to area demonstrations. Love and miss you.’ ( By Carolyn)

Source: Times Record/ The Times Record, April 15, 2013, reported the news on Gangjeong struggle in a page of its printed version.

Friends in Maine, US, thankfully delivered the Timed Record newspaper prints. along with the Nuclear Resister March newsletter. Mayor Kang Dong-Kyun in his office.
2.. Solidarity from AWC_Japan (April 15, 2013)
‘Regarding rising military tension over Korean Peninsula, AWC-Japan held a protest action against ongoing massive US-ROK military exercise at US consulate in Osaka today, April 15, 2013. At the same time, we denounced Japanese government’s warmongering and racist propaganda against DPRK. We are planning to hold similar action at US embassy in Tokyo. No war on Korea! No to US-Japanese military alliance! US troops out of Asia-Pacific!’ ( By Y. Nakamura)