The daily struggle is going on in front of naval base project construction gates. The numbers of committed people who daily appear are usually small-less than 20. They are daily roughed out and carried by police 10 times or even 12 times even by the night. They are hurt with bruise in all parts of their body or […]
A, F, G: Planned areas for a new airport that the Jeju Island has made public (* It is told that it was around 1997 that those were mentioned as the planned airports). One of them will have a high possibility to have an air force base along with a new airport. B: Alttre Air field, Moseulpo. The ROK air […]
Updated Below! As South Korean state oppression increases in light of the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) 2012 WCC (World Conservation Congress), with three Okinawans, one Japanese, denied entry on September 5th, and the entry denial of Imok Cha on September 3rd, Gangjeong villagers and activists are not giving into fear of unjust government attacks, something they have dealt […]
Below is the translation of the Gangjeong Village Association’s statement on May 22, 2012. (Sorry for any mistakes for hurried translation in advance). You can see the original Korean script here. ………………………………………………….. Title: The Jeju Island government should take stern legal action on illegal and unreliable construction (destruction) of the Jeju naval base project! The caissons that would be thrown […]