Motion 181: Protection of the People, Nature, Culture and Heritage of Gangjeong Village World Appeal to Protect the People, Nature, Culture and Heritage of Gangjeong Village UNDERSTANDING that Gangjeong Village, also known as the Village of Water, on the island of Jeju, also known as Peace Island, is a coastal area home to thousands of species of plants and animals, […]
The following motion was submitted to the IUCN WCC Jeju 2012 Motions Committee. It has 34 co-sponsors, reportedly the most in WCC history. TO: Motions Committee FROM: Kathryn Kintzele, Esq. Director, Global Programs, Center for Humans and Nature Deputy Chair, Ethics Specialist Group, IUCN Commission on Environmental Law with Dr. J. Ronald Engel, founder of the IUCN Ethics Working Group (1984) […]
Today, The National Network of Korean Civil Society for Opposing to the Naval Base in Jeju Island published two issue reports regarding the Jeju Naval Base construction. Issue Report I is “Human Rights Violations on ‘No Jeju Naval Base Campaign'”. The report includes entry denials of foreign human rights defenders, freedom of peaceful assembly and associations, excessive use of force […]
We must defend the sacred and spectacularly beautiful Soft Corals of Gangjeong! My unbearably sad experiences witnessing coral reef devastation around the world, and especially the irreversible destruction of the Okinawan reefs which I studied for over three decades, motivates me to rise in defense of these beautiful Jeju corals. We must defend them. They are spectacularly beautiful, and alive! […]
Updated Below! As South Korean state oppression increases in light of the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) 2012 WCC (World Conservation Congress), with three Okinawans, one Japanese, denied entry on September 5th, and the entry denial of Imok Cha on September 3rd, Gangjeong villagers and activists are not giving into fear of unjust government attacks, something they have dealt […]
Emergency Action Committee to Save Jeju and Speaker at the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) World Conservation Congress (WCC) 2012, Imok Cha has been denied entry to Korea. On September 3, Imok Cha, who has been working tirelessly to spread news related to the struggle against the Jeju Naval Base project was unjustly blocked from entering Korea, upon […]
Specially published for those attending the IUCN’s World Conservation Congress 2012, held on Jeju from September 6-15 or for those visiting Gangjeong during that time. Contents Include: Summary of the struggle against environmental destruction and human rights violations in Gangjeong, Jeju, schedule of Gangjeong related events during the WCC 2012, information on visiting Gangjeong, information about historical relics discovered inside […]
The following statement is the 3rd open letter mailed to the leadership of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. It was originally posted here. TO: IUCN Leadership, Participants, and Global Environmental Organizations FROM: Emergency Action Committee to Save Jeju Island IUCN leadership still refuses to criticize Korea’s destructive naval base, though construction work is killing rare soft corals, numerous endangered species (including from […]
The following statement is the 2nd open letter mailed to the leadership of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. It was originally posted here. Does IUCN Director General Accept Korea’s Environmental Destruction? Below you will find a disturbing history, prepared by 62 leading activist organizations in South Korea, who have, for many years, been trying to gain attention for environmental devastation taking place […]
The following statement with 131 signatories, is the 1st open letter mailed to the leadership of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. It was originally posted here. OPEN MEMO TO: All Leadership, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) FROM: Undersigned Environmental/NGO/Academic Leaders THE IUCN 2012 WORLD CONSERVATION CONGRESS (WCC), scheduled for September 6-15 at Jungmun Resort on Jeju Island, […]