In this April Edition: The Shifting Laws of Causality: Connecting Gangjeong, April 3rd, and Sewol Tragedy, Gangjeong Solidarity with Sewol struggle,  Gangjeong  US tour, Korean Screenings of ‘Jeju’s Aching Heart,’ Gangjeong Easter Week report, Interview with a villager, Sail on the Sea of Peace and much more!, Free Dungree and much more! Download PDF

In this month’s issue: Protesters refuse fines; go to prison, article by Kathy Kelly, updates on the Pope’s visit, reports from Okinawa and Yonaguni, Tour of Gangjeong’s sacred sites, ocean protest, trial updates, international solidarity, and more! Download PDF

Re-blogged from the Nuclear Resister  by Kathy Kelly May 24, 2014 Jeju Island, South Korea – For the past two weeks, I’ve been in the Republic of Korea (ROK), as a guest of peace activists living in Gangjeong Villageon ROK’s Jeju Island. Gangjeong is one of the ROK’s smallest villages, yet activists here, in their struggle against the construction of a massive […]