In this month’s issue: 100,000 Books arrive in Gangjeong for the creative transformation to a “book village”, National Assembly inspections on the base, Solidarity from Italy and Western Europe, Gangjeong at the Busan WCC Assembly 2013, Trial updates, outrageous imprisonments, police disrupt prohibit catholic Eucharist and more! Download PDF

In this month’s issue: Catholic solidarity anniversary, reports for Sri Lanka and visiting priests, trial updates, released prisoners, Gangjeong goes to the WCC in Busan, Peace Co-op relaunches, violent incidents on the rise, and more! Download PDF

In this month’s issue: Grand March for Life and Peace 2013, August 4th Human Chain, Oliver Stones Visits Jeju, Navy wants to expand base site size, Prison letter from Kim Young-Jae, Trial, prison, and hospital updates, solidarity reports from Taiwan and Philippines and more! Download PDF

In this month’s issue: Arrest of Dr. Song and Brother Park, August 4th Human Chain, Timor and Lanyu Solidarity, Peace Pilgrimage, Prisoner and Trial Updates, Dr. Song’s article from Prison, Art Activism, and more! Download PDF

In this month’s issue: Visit from the UN, Grand March, UNESCO fraud, Summary of Moana Nui, Prisoner and Trial Updates, Gangjeong ocean pollution on the rise, Solidarity articles and letter, Final Court Statement of released prisoner Lee Jong-Hwa and more! Download PDF

In this month's issue: Crackdown in Gangjeong, Catholics stand up to police, SOS international training, Jeong Young-Hee returns from US tour, Emily Wang's reflection on deportation, Villager Mi-Lyang badly injured by police, Conscientious objection in Korea, and more!

In this month’s issue: Remembering the one year anniversary of the blasting of Gureombi, the campaign to demilitarize Jeju continues, linking the tar sands protests and Jeju, Solidarity from Okinawa and Taiwan, trial updates, Guest articles from several visitors, as well as Angie Zelter and Benjamin Monnet, and more! Download PDF

In this month’s issue: Launch of the new demilitarize Jeju campaign, Samsung above the law?, U.S. military wrecks in coral reef, more prisoner releases, Yang Yoon-Mo arrested and on hunger strick, Interview with former prisoner, continued environmental regulation problems, and more! Download PDF

In this month’s issue: Struggle outlook after the presidential election and in the new year, a new support group forms, similarities of Gaza and Gangjeong, more prisoner releases, Buddhist unity ceremony, voting problems for villagers and more! Download PDF

In this month’s issue: A message from Chomsky to Gangjeong, a new civil disobedience movement, prison letters, prisoner releases, construction accidents, art activism and more! Download PDF