In this April Edition: The first Gangjeong film festival ends with success; The Navy should drop the wrongful lawsuit; Global Days of Action on Military Spending; Jeju and Ukraine in a larger picture of US military operation; The Power of Film; Yonaguni Solidarity; Activities to remember 16 April;  Dolphin’ monitoring;  Protest to navy soldiers arriving in the village; trial update; Koh Gilchun’s art on April […]

  The 1st International Peace Film Festival in Gangjeong (IPFFIG) will be held on April 23rd through April 26th in Gangjeong village hall, Peace Centre and Seogwipo Art Centre, Seogwipo city. In the wake of the completion of Jeju naval base, we are working on to hold an international peace film festival here in Gangjeong village. The idea of the […]