DOWNLOAD In this Dec. 2022 to March 2023 Issue: Gangjeong Says, Stop the War!/ Get Out US warship DDG-115!/ Cruise matters: Jeju aches from over-tourism/ Jeju 2nd Airport and the Endangerment of Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins/ The struggle against Jeju’s 2nd airport faces a new phase/ Abolish new airport projects across the country!/ Remembrance and connections at Alddreu/ How do we […]
In May & June 2020 Edition : President Moon’s emphasis on maritime power and the navy chief’s visit home/ Black Lives Matter in Gangjeong/ THAAD product improvement amid COVID-19/ Can Island Governor Won who dreams to be South Korean President care for the lives of Korea and the Earth?/ Susan-ri, Visiting an Endangered Village/ Divest from Endless Wars: Cancel RIMPAC […]
In this May Edition: Women Cross DMZ delegates visit Gangjeong, Two ancestor-memorial sites against base, Jeju dolphins returned home, Peace March in Okinawa, Scenes of daily protests in front of base, Forum on the anti-military draft, interview with a peace activist, trial update, 2nd anniversary of the Book village, A poem by David, and In Remembrance of Nepal Eathquakes etc. Download PDF […]
Re-blogged from here. Other posts related to the WCD women’s visit to the village will be put into this website in time. Pave Paradise, Put Up a Naval Base: South Korean Activists’ Extraordinary Struggle to Save Jeju Island By Medea Benjamin, May 29, 2015 South Korea’s Jeju Island is a popular tourist destination full of spas, resorts, golf courses, sandy […]