Shin Yong-In教授於2012年11月公開發表:為了和平解決濟州島海軍基地計畫所造成的衝突,以及為了實現正義的法律,將加入江汀村的「不合作主義」運動,直到政府以及海軍停止強制執行海軍基地建設案。[...]
Check these Youtube channels for Jeju/Gangjeong related videos. Many videos are Korean only. Updated Regularly
Gang-Jeong Il-Gi - Grace Kim
Shalomsea - Pang Eun-Mi
1234yz100 - Dunguree Updated Occasionally
Sungbong2012 - Cho Sung-Bong
Dopehead Zo - Cho Yak-Gol
Save Jeju Island
No Base Jeju Island
Think Unit
Kyung Dong-Hyun
Check these Vimeo channels for Jeju/Gangjeong related videos. Many videos are Korean only. cho sung bong - Cho Sung-Bong
DH Song - Song Dong-Hyo
Regis Tremblay - Regis Tremblay
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