The Jeju Sori reported on March 5, 2013 that the planned land area for the military residential house for the Jeju naval base project was changed. The navy has originally planned to build it in the E area (violet part in the northwest, in the map) but recently changed to the B area (pale blue part in the south, in the map) as the villagers in the E area have strongly opposed it.

Map source: Jeju Sori, March 5, 2013
According to the article, the companies who received layout order from the navy have originally chosen the E area as the best to build the apartments of more than 600 households as the area is adjacent to an about 100,000 ㎡ road. The navy plans to build a large size apartment complex that can accommodate 616 households in 99,500 ㎡ area by 2015, the planned year for the completion of the Jeju naval base project.
Another benefit of the E area for the navy has been there are no houses that should be demolished.
However, the protests by the villagers who have lands in the E area have been strong. The villagers there refused to sell their lands to the navy. The Gangjeong villagers including those in the E area have already dissipated the navy’s presentation on the military residential house project on May 29 and June 15, 2012.
On the contrary, the B area is where many pro-base villagers (about 25~20 % of the whole village population) reside. It is a west south area that starts from the Gangjeong elementary school to the Gangjeong port. A road is located between the area and naval base project area.
The article says the difficulty of the B area for the navy is there are relatively more vinyl houses than in the E area so the navy should be burdened by compensation land purchase costs.
The navy plans to hold again the presentation on the military residential building in the E area within March (around March 26), 2013.
The villagers’ struggle to stop the navy’s military residential housing project will be hot again in coming days.

Source: Go Gwon-Il (Original: ROK navy)/ the navy’s disgusting picture of the village in the future that is to be transformed by the naval base project.