Remembering the sufferings of April 3rd massacre. . .These are scenes from a performance held just before Easter on Mar. 29 at Jeju April 3 Peace Park. Members of the Catholic Youth Pastoral Committee enacted the Stations of the Cross, followed by Jesus Christ before his crucifixion. The site commemorates the victims of the Apr. 3 Jeju massacre, which started […]
The below is a translation of the Korean statement on April 1. See here. To see the programs of events during the remembering period of the Jeju 4.3 uprising, see here. People’s joint statement on April 1 For the succession of the Jeju 4.3 uprising spirit: “We will build a peace barricade in the Gangjeong village.” The coming […]
Dreaming of Peace Ecological Park. . .Plum tree planting ceremony being held on March 30 at Maehyang-Ri, Hwasong, Gyonggi province, formal US Air force bombing range. . . Residents have stacked the shells of the bombs in front of the residents’ committee office that were collected in the sea and the residential area. . .Hwasong city decided to create eco […]
“On March 28, 2013, Olive Stone sat for an interview with me at the American University in Washington, D.C. Paul Michaud and Lucas Stewart filmed it and did an great job.” short clip from the upcoming documentary about Jeju by Regis Trembley Watch Here.