In this April Edition: The first Gangjeong film festival ends with success; The Navy should drop the wrongful lawsuit; Global Days of Action on Military Spending; Jeju and Ukraine in a larger picture of US military operation; The Power of Film; Yonaguni Solidarity; Activities to remember 16 April;  Dolphin’ monitoring;  Protest to navy soldiers arriving in the village; trial update; Koh Gilchun’s art on April […]

This has been translated from Jeju MBC’s April 30th news report (necessary edits have been made for clarity). “Congressional elects have tread their first walks for the naval base conflict. Gangjeong Villagers have requested the elects for a withdraw of the claim of indemnity… Oh Young Hoon and Wi Seong Gon, elects from ‘With-Together’ Democracy Party  visited Gangjeong Village to untie the knotted thread […]