[Oct. 12] The relocation of the habitats for the endangered species in the Jeju naval base project area was driven in a rough-and-ready method: A National Assembly woman, Jang Hana, reports.



Left: Red-foot crabs that died during the process of relocation to an alternate habitat in the Jeju naval base construction process (Jeju Domin Ilbo, Oct. 12/ Original source: Press release attachment material by Jang Hana, National Assembly woman)

Right: Red-foot crabs (Sesarma intermedium, 2nd class of the endangered wild animal/plant by the ROK government) discovered in the Jeju naval base construction area. The species has been relocated to an alternative habitat. (Headline Jeju, Oct. 12)


“[T]he relocation of the endangered species in the Jeju naval base project area was unreliably processed. In the Gangjeong village port, tens of red-foot crabs (Sesarma intermedium, 2nd class of the endangered wild animal/plant by the ROK government) were discovered dead. It is because the red-foot crabs were moved in fish traps without protection of them during the process of the relocation to an alternate habitat (* Seongwenne Creek, nearby the Gangjeong village). It has been revealed that the investigation and habitat relocation on the narrow-mouth toad has not been properly performed. Even though the website of the Jeju civilian-military complex tour beauty reads that about 900 individual numbers of the Narrow-Mouth Frog( Kaloula Borealis, 2nd class of the endangered wild animal/plant by the ROK government) have been relocated, it turned out that they were all tadpoles. There is high possibility that all the adult narrow mouth toads have been killed during the construction process and there is low possibility that the relocated tadpoles survived, too.” (Press Release by Jang Hana, National assembly woman)


The below is the translation of the press release by Jang Hana, a National Assembly woman, on Oct. 12.  She attached two documents (not translated here) to the press release. They are the elaboration of her press release. Otherwise, the Korean language of this site can be seen here.



[Press Release on the Inspection of government offices] Alternate habitats for the endangered species of the Jeju naval base project area…full of the unreliable, when applied to the US guideline.


Oct. 12, 2012


Jang Hana, National Assembly woman, says, “In South Korea, alternate habitats are an indulgence for development”



1.Jang Hana, a National Assembly woman (Democratic United Party) has submitted a report titled, ‘Analysis on the environmental contamination due to military base and independent environmental impact assessment,’ as a resource material for the National Assembly inspection of the government offices by the Environment and Labor committee of the ROK National Assembly.


2. According to the report, it was proved out that the relocation of the endangered species having been processed in the Jeju naval base construction has been in a rough-and-ready method, as a result of applying the ‘Guideline on the Relocation Plan on the Endangered Species,’  by the US department of the Interior.


3. In the report that Jang Hana, National Assembly woman, has investigated, the relocation example of Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), a worldwide endangered species, is presented. In the guideline on the relocation of Desert Tortoise, which is formed of total 7 stages, one glances elaborate concern and will on the protection of the endangered species in all the process of plan-investigation-relocation-adaptation etc.


4. According to the guideline, comparison and observation on the habitat environment between the alternate habitat and 3rd region should be done before the relocation [of species] to an alternate habitat. According to the 2nd stage in the guideline, one should choose original habitat, alternate habitat, and the 3d habitat and should observe all the three sites. Then one observes the individual numbers etc. of the Desert Tortoise in an alternate habitat and 3rd habitat to observe on the matter of success [of relocation] in the alternate habitat and catch hold of problems [on it, if any]. However, National Assembly woman Jang says, “there was no part on the comparison and observation on the 3rd habitat,’ in the service [company] report on the release of the red-foot crab (Sesarma intermedium, 2nd class of the endangered wild animal/plant by the ROK government), which was processed during the Jeju naval base project into an alternate habitat


5. There is so called evacuation investigation according to the 4th stage of the guideline, which means that all the subjected species should be relocated to an alternate habitat with no individual number left in an original habitat. It means ALL individual numbers because the original habitat would be destroyed. Further an individual with abnormality in health should get heath check and rehabilitation medical treatment that costs $ 9,000 for an individual number for five years.


6. In the 6th stage of the guideline, concrete explanations on relocation method is presented. The relocation should be done as possible as in spring, while release should be done within the range of 18~30 centigrade and safekeeping box should be moved through a clean and oxygen-enough container. The sanitary condition of the container is important, as well. Containers should be sterilized with household bleach or manufactured goods certified by the Department of the Interior U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Also all the Desert Tortoises must make contact with water within 12 hours before their release and must be released in a protection zone of no high density.


7. The last 7th stage is on the monitoring and adaption management after relocation. In the guideline , monitoring point time and period is very elaborately presented. After the relocation to an alternative habitat, at least five years should be monitored. The monitoring should be done once within 24 hours right after release, minimum twice within two weeks’ release right after release, minimum once a week. However according to Jang, the monitoring cycle on the red-foot crabs in the alternative habitat (* Seongwenne Creek, nearby the Gangjeong village.See HERE) of the Jeju naval base project area was merely once in 6 months.


8. However, the relocation of the endangered species in the Jeju naval base project area was unreliably processed. In the Gangjeong village port, tens of red-foot crabs (Sesarma intermedium, 2nd class of the endangered wild animal/plant by the ROK government) were discovered dead. It is because the red-foot crabs were moved in fish traps without protection of them during the process of the relocation to an alternate habitat. It has been revealed that the investigation and habitat relocation on the narrow-mouth toad has not been properly performed. Even though the website of the Jeju Civilian-Military Complex Tour Beauty reads that about 900 individual numbers of the Narrow-Mouth Frog(Kaloula Borealis, 2nd class of the endangered wild animal/plant by the ROK government) have been relocated, it turned out that they were all tadpoles. There is high possibility that all the adult narrow mouth toads have been killed during the construction process and there is low possibility that the relocated tadpoles survived, too.


9. Jang Hana, National Assembly woman criticized, saying, “The alternative habitats are becoming indulgence for the big size environmental destruction. Still [relocation itself] is being processed very unreliably in a rough-and ready method. She plans to strongly demand protection measures on the endangered species in the Jeju naval base projection area during the National Assembly inspection on the government affairs.


10. Otherwise, the report submitted by Jang has been made by the Green Korea United and Endangered Species International (ESI), an IUCN member group and overseas environmental group who made joint investigation.


See also








[국감보도자료] 제주해군기지 대체서식지, 미국기준 적용해 보니 부실투성이 . . . .

글쓴이 : 장하나의원…



해군기지 멸종위기종 서식지 이전 ‘졸속’

장하나 의원 “미국기준 적용해 봤더니 부실투성이” 지적

데스크승인 2012.10.12  18:40:45



“해군기지 대체서식지 이전 졸속…개발 면죄부에 불과해”

장하나 의원, “미국기준 적용시 부실투성이”

2012.10.12  11:00:38



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