* The below is the arbitrary translation of the ROK government Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) regarding the Jeju naval base project on April 27, 2009. The original Korean can be seen HERE. (Translated on June 24, 2010)

Jeju Press, April 27, 2009

해군 기지 기 본 협 약 서(MOU)내용
Contents of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
on [the Jeju] Naval base


민․군복합형 관광미항 건설과 관련한
기 본 협 약 서Memorandum of Understanding
Related to the Construction of the Civilian-Military Complex Tour
Beauty Harbor

정부와 제주특별자치도는 민․군복합형 관광미항 건설과 지역발전사업을 추진함에 있어 신뢰와 협력을 바탕으로 아래의 사항을 성실히 이행할 것을 협약한다.

In driving forward the construction of the civilian-military complex tour beauty harbor, the [ROK] government and the Jeju Special Self-Governing Island agree with each other to faithfully carry out the below items based on trust and cooperation.

아 래

The below


제1조(목적) 본 기본협약은 제주특별자치도(이하 ‘제주자치도’라 한다)에 추진중인 제주해군기지를 최대 15만톤 규모의 크루즈 선박 2척이 동시에 접안할 수 있는 민ㆍ군복합형 관광미항(이하 ‘민ㆍ군 복합항’이라 한다)으로 건설하고, 이와 관련된 지역발전사업을 추진함에 있어 국방부장관, 국토해양부장관 그리고 제주특별자치도지사간에 상호 이행해 나갈 사항들을 협약하여 정하는 것을 목적으로 한다.

Article 1(Purpose) This MOU is purposed to construct the Jeju naval base being driven in the Jeju Special Self-Governing Island (called ‘the Jeju Self-Governing Island’ from the following) as the civilian-military complex tour beauty harbor’ (called the ‘civilian-military complex harbor’ from the following) in which the two cruise ships of which each of them would be the 150,000 ton at biggest, can come alongside the pier at the same time; and to define the items to be carried out with the mutual agreement by the Minister of National Defense, Minister of the Land, Transportation and Maritime affairs and the Governor of the Jeju Special Self-Governing Island, in driving the regional development business related to the [Jeju naval base].

제2조(지역발전사업 지원) 정부는 민․군복합항 건설사업이 제주자치도의 지역발전에 기여할 수 있도록 「민․군복합항 지역종합발전계획 수립 용역」 결과 및 제주자치도의 의견을 바탕으로 제안된 지역발전사업이 효과적으로 추진될 수 있도록 적극 지원한다.

Article 2 (Support for the regional development business) The government positively support the regional development business suggested based on the result of the ‘service for the establishment of the synthesized development plan on the civilian-military complex region’ and on the opinion of the Jeju Self-Governing Island so that the civilian-military construction business can contribute to the regional development of the Jeju Self-Governing Island.

제3조(지원협의체 구성ㆍ운영) ① 국무총리실은 민․군복합항 건설사업과 부대사업 및 제2조의 지역발전사업을 원활히 추진하기 위하여 국방부, 국토해양부 등 관계부처와 제주자치도가 참여하는「민․군복합항 건설지원협의회(이하 ‘협의회’라 한다)」를 구성하여 운영한다. ② 제1항의 협의회를 지원하기 위하여 국무총리실에서 주재하고 관계자가 참여하는 「실무지원협의회」를 둔다.

Article 3 (Composition & Operation of the Support body) (1) The Office of the Prime Minister composes and operates the ‘consultation committee for the support on the construction of the civilian-military complex harbor’ (‘consultation committee’ from the following) joined by the related Ministries such as the Ministry of national Defense and Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, so that [the committee] can smoothly drive the construction business of the civilian-military complex harbor, its attached businesses and the regional development business [mentioned] in the article 2. (2) The ‘consultation committee for the practical support,’ superintended by the Office of the Prime Minister and joined by the related personnel will be formed to support the consulation committee in the article 1.

제4조(크루즈항 시설) 국방부장관과 국토해양부장관은 민․군복합항 건설을 추진함에 있어 15만톤 규모의 크루즈 선박 2척이 동시에 접안할 수 있는 항만시설과 부대시설을 함께 설치할 수 있도록 지원함으로써 지역경제 활성화에 기여하도록 노력한다.

Article 4. (Cruise Harbor facility) In driving for the construction of the civilian-military complex harbor, the Ministers of the National Defense and Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs make an effort to contribute to revitalize the regional economy by supporting to install both of the harbor & bay facility and the attached facilities so that the two cruise ships of which the each is 150,000 ton size can come alongside the pier at the same time.

제5조 (알뜨르 비행장 부지의 사용 등) ① 국방부장 관은 국방부 소관의 서귀포시 대정읍 소재 속칭 알뜨르 비행장 부지를 제주자치도 지역발전을 위하여 법적절차에 따라 제주자치도와의 협의를 거쳐 제주자치도가 사용할 수 있도록 한다. ② 국방부장 관은 공군 남부탐색구조부대에 전투기 배치계획이 없음을 확인한다.

Article 5 (Use of the Alddreu Airfield etc.) (1) Through consultation with the Jeju Self-Governing Island, the Minister of National Defense (MND) allows it to use the area popularly known as the Alddreu airfield which is located in the Daejung-eup, City of Seogwipo , and belongs to the jurisdiction of the MND, which is for the purpose of regional development and via legal procedures.

 (2) The Minister of MND confirms that he has no plan to deploy fighter airplanes in the Namboo (* meaning ‘southern’) Search & Rescue troops of the air force

제6조(보상) 국방부장관은 민․군복합항 건설에 따른 토지매입, 지장물 및 어업권 보상 등 손실보상을 추진함에 있어 관계법령에 따라 현실성 있는 평가를 실시하고 정당한 보상을 하여야 한다.

Article 6 (Compensation) In driving for the loss compensation such as in the purchase of land and in the ground facilities & fishing industry right, following the construction of the civilian-military complex beauty harbor, the Ministry of National Defense should execute the realistic evaluation and righteous compensation, according to the related laws and ordinances.

제7조(지역건설업체 참여) 국방부장관 은 민․군복합항 건설 및 부대사업을 추진함에 있어 제주 지역건설업체가 최대한 참여할 수 있도록 한다.

Article 7(Participation by the local construction companies) The Minister of National Defense let the Local construction companies in the Jeju region join at most in driving for the construction of the civilian-military complex harbor and its affiliated business.

제8조(권리행사의 제한 배제) 국방부장 관은 민․군복합항을 건설함에 있어 군사기지 및 군사시설보호법 제4조에도 불구하고 육상의 민․군복합항 울타리 경계와 해상의 군항방파제 밖의 지역에 대하여 군사기지 및 군사시설보호구역으로 지정하지 아니하며, 통행․고도․영농․어로․건축 등 주민의 생존권과 재산권 행사를 제약하는 행위를 하지 아니한다.

Article 8 ( Limitation/ exclusion in the exercise of rights) In constructing the civilian-military complex harbor, the Minister of National Defense, despite the article 4 in the law on the protection of  military base and facility, shall not designate the outside areas of the fence border in the civilian-military complex harbor on the ground and of the seawall in the military harbor on the sea, as the restriction areas for the military base and military facilities; and shall not do the conducts that condition the exercises of the villagers’ survival rights such as passage, altitude, farming, fishing & architecture and their property rights.

제9조(편의시설의 사용․운영 및 주민 우선고용 등) ① 국방부장관은 민․군복합항 건설과 관련하여 설치예정인 각종 복합 휴양시설 및 편의시설을 지역주민이 함께 사용할 수 있도록 한다.
② 국방부장관은 제1항의 휴양시설 및 편의시설에 직원을 고용하는 경우 지역주민을 우선적으로 고려하고, 편의시설의 운영을 민간에 위탁할시 지역주민에게 운영권을 우선적으로 부여한다.

Article 9 (Use & management of the convenient facilities and employment of the villagers in priority) (1) The Minister of National Defense makes the various kinds of the installation-planned complex resort facilities and convenient facilities, related to the construction of the civilian-military complex harbor, can be used by the villagers, also. (2) In case of the employment of the workers in resort and convenience facility, as mentioned in the clause 1, the Ministry of National Defense considers priority to the local residents; and in case of commission to the civilian for the management of the convenience facility, the minister gives priority to the local residents regarding the management right of them

제10조 (협약서 내용 변경 및 세부협약의 체결) ① 본 기본협약에 명시된 사항은 협약 당사자간의 합의에 의하지 아니하고는 어느 일방이 임의로 변경할 수 없다. ② 본 기본협약에 명시된 사항은 사업의 원활한 추진을 위하여 사안별로 협약 당사자간의 세부협약을 체결한다.

Article 10 (Amendment on the content of the MOU and conclusion of the detailed MOU) (1)The items that was elucidated in this MOU cannot be freely amended by any side except for by all persons’ mutual agreement. (2) For the items stated in this MOU, the persons of the agreement conclude the detailed agreement for the smooth driving forward the business.

본 기본협약서는 원본 3부를 작성하여 당사자가 날인하고 각 1부씩 보관한다. 끝.

This MOU is written in the 3 copies of original, with each person’s seal, and each person keeps 1 copy of them.

2009년 4월 27일
April 27, 2009

국방부장관 이 상 희
Lee Sang-Hee,
Minister of National Defense

국토해양부장관 정 종 환
Chung Jong-Hwan
, Minister of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs

제주특별자치도지사 김태 환
Kim Tae-Hwan, Jeju Special Self-Governing Island Governor

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