Re-post from Hankyoreh, March 13, 2013 Priests were apparently turned away for their views on conflict with North Korea and naval base construction on Jeju Island By Kim Kyu-won, staff reporter When the Ministry of Defense was recently selecting military chaplains, three priests were rejected when they gave guarded responses to the question of what they think about controversial issues […]
1 year has passed March 7th, 2013 was the date commemorating one year anniversary on the navy’s blast of the Gureombi Rock despite people’s fierce opposition to it. The people’s struggles to save the Gureombi Rock, the absolute preservation coastal area of the Gangjeong village, reached one of their highest points during the time when the blast was continued […]
Re-post from the War Resistance League Save Jeju Island Campaign through the Movement Action Plan model 04 Mar 2013 — javier Jungmin Choi We, the members of World without War, held a Movement Building Workshop in March of last year in collaboration with Andreas Speck from War Resisters’ International. The workshop used the Movement Action Plan (MAP) model […]
See many March 1 event photos, here. 1. Yang Yoon-Mo reminds the history and vision of the Jeju It was exactly here in Gwandeokjeong, Jeju City, March 1, 1947 when 6 people were killed by the constabulary governed under the US Army Military Government in Korea during their parade on commemorating independence movement on March 1, 1919. It […]
The below is a re-post from the Truth Out North Korea and the United States: Will the Real Aggressor Please Stand Down? Thursday, 28 February 2013 10:21By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers , Truthout | Op-Ed US political leaders and media pundits trumpet North Korea’s recent testing of missiles and nuclear weapons as a great threat. But the US mass media do not tell […]
We called him, “Benj.’ The villagers used to call him, ‘Benjari,’ which sounds similar to the name of a fish, “jari,’ very common in the Jeju Island. It was Miryang, a village woman, who put him with such nickname. A villager poet, Kim Sung-Gyu wrote a poem for ‘Benjari,’ from the intimate feeling toward him. Benjamin Monnet, a French peace […]
Re-post from here Update: April 24, 2013, Wang Yu-Hsuan (Taiwan), 21st subject to be denied entry to Korea, in relation to the Jeju naval base project. Since the inauguration of Park Geun-Hye government, she is the 2nd human rights defender to be deported after Ban Hideyuki, Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center, Japan, on April 19, 2013.(see here) Update: [Korea Times, Feb. 22] […]
Today, The National Network of Korean Civil Society for Opposing to the Naval Base in Jeju Island published two issue reports regarding the Jeju Naval Base construction. Issue Report I is “Human Rights Violations on ‘No Jeju Naval Base Campaign'”. The report includes entry denials of foreign human rights defenders, freedom of peaceful assembly and associations, excessive use of force […]
Right after the villagers’ press conference on March 22, the victims of police hammer violence on March 19 had a press conference in front of Island government hall. The victims holding the signs with the photos of injuries on them strongly demanded the punishment of police personnel in charge of the accident and claimed an introduction of Special Prosecution System […]
As daily sit-in was continued on April 5, the people in the village had a news conference in front of the naval base business committee building complex at 10:30 am, April 5, 2012. The title of the statement by the Gangjeong village was “Are the police taking the citizens as rioters even until the 64th anniversary of 4.3? […]