* Image source: Ku Do-Hee, Voice of People, Feb. 4, 2011 민중의 소리 구도희 기자, 2011년 2월 4일(클릭) ‘portrait of Kim Joo-Hyun, the deceased Samsung worker in mortuary ‘빈소에 있는 고 김주현 노동자의 초상’ * Image source: Samsung General Labor Union, Jan. 26, 2011 삼성 일반 노조 웹사이트, 2011년 1월 26일(클릭) ‘ Workers and activists have been doing relay one-man […]
Re-post from the No base stories of Korea, Jan. 24, 2011 1. Goorumbee (Gureombi) 구럼비 2. Jinsokkak 진소깍 3. Neobeunyeo 너븐여 4. Gaegoorumbee 개구럼비 (Gaegureombi) 5. Metboori (Moetppuri) 멧부리 6. Gangjeong Stream + Ackeun stream 강정천 + 악근천 …………………………………………………………………………. One can see many Jeju vernacular terms in the names of the places from the Joongduk coast to the Gangjeong Stream. The below is the explanation by […]
Re-Post from the No base Stories of Korea __For the original Korean article including maps/images(click HERE) * English subtitles were added by arbitrary to the original images. * The last 13 images were added by arbitrary for readers’ easier understanding. ________________________________________________________ The below is a rough translation of the original Korean document informed at the site of the Jeju Human Rights Center. Thanks to […]
* The below is the arbitrary translation of the ROK government Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) regarding the Jeju naval base project on April 27, 2009. The original Korean can be seen HERE. (Translated on June 24, 2010) ________________________________________________________ Jeju Press, April 27, 2009 해군 기지 기 본 협 약 서(MOU)내용 Contents of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on [the Jeju] Naval […]
Re-post from No Base Stories of Korea, May 14, 2010 The below videos are the editions by Mr. Go Gwon-Il (Gangjeong village, Jeju Island) of the original 812th ‘PD Note’ program (about 14 min.), ‘Why the Gangjeong Villagers, Jeju Island, Are Furious?’ broadcast by MBC on May 5, 2009. The 1st part is about 10 min and the 2nd is […]
18日警察於軍港建設動工儀式中驅散示威者 據稱手段頗為激烈,抗議民眾共47人遭逮捕,雖然時至今日被捕的46名抗議民眾均已陸續獲釋,然軍港建設座落地江汀洞村長姜東均(Kang Dong-Kyun)仍遭扣留。 [...]
韓國雖已有多項文化遺產列入「世界文化遺產」名錄,但自然遺產卻是首度雀屏中選,顯見濟州島自然風景的得天獨厚。 自2007年起,韓國政府開始倡議在此亦有「世界和平之島」之稱的濟州島南部的江汀村上建設海軍軍港,但遭到當地居民強烈反對,而反對運動自2007年延續至今。今年11月16日上午,韓國政府仍做出建設的最終決議,此工程將於12月按原計畫動工。 [...]
Image Source: ©Jeju Sori, Nov. 8, 2009/ ‘Martyr, Yang Yong Chan’ Martyr, Yang Yong Chan (1965 to 1991) who self-immolated for the opposition of the special law on the development of the Jeju island on Nov. 7, 1991. He was 25 years old at the time. His major was History when he was an undergraduate student in the Jeju University […]