In this January & February 2021 Edition :
Solidarity Messages for 5000 days of Gangjeong Struggle / Islanders Choose a Sustainable Jeju, Rather than Over-Tourism and Reckless Development/ We can defend Seongsan with the power to overcome the sorrow of Jeju April 3rd Uprising and Massacre/ Bringing Legal Action Against the Military Roadwork/ People appeal for the release of Song Kang-ho/ Activists Opposing the 2nd Airport on Trial/ New U.S. Marine Force Structure to Challenge China’s Navy/ Pleas to honor war victims and stop base construction in Okinawa/ Campaign to Stop the US-ROK War Drills/ The National Satellite Integrated Operation Center should be refused/ US Space Force in Korea/ US Indo-Pacific Strategy and South Korea Arms Development/ Gender Minorities Suffer from Hatred and Discrimination etc.