Reblogged with permission from: Hallo, is this the police? | by notonlyformyself.
An outsiders perspective on how things possibly went down this morning.
– Hallo, is this the police? I need your help.
– Yes, again.
– There are three people blocking the entrance to the gate. I know you have been here 7 times a day since 2007. Yes, that is 12 775 times but they are still here.
I have trucks on the inside that need to get out.
And there are trucks on the outside that need to get in.
We need to move all the junk.
All the chairs.
And we need to move the people.
This happens every hour during the day. And every second hour during the night. On an average. Persistance and determination like this is hard to find.
Many of the conscripts look very young. Many look a bit scared or at least confused. They come from the mainland and are circulated every 2-3 weeks. It is doubtful they know what is going on in front of the gates.
Police covering their faces is a thing I have rarely seen. It is not legal either. You, as a representative for the state force should identify yourself.
You are also obliged to identify yourself when you are filming. In the name of security.
Some activists decide to open up a discussion about that.
If you film me and don’t tell me who you are, I will cover my face.
For more than 1825 days these activists have been practicing civil disobedience in the name of peace, determined to stop the building of the base and they are in good company.