Environmental Assessment recently released by Simon Ellis, Dr. Katherine Muzik, Imok Cha, Sanghoon Yun, Boram Bae and Jinsoo Kim, regarding the destructive impact the Jeju Naval Base will have on the soft coral communities of in and around Gangjeong. From the Report: 1.0 Executive Summary The purpose of this EIA was to independently assess the health and threats to the unique […]
Update: Format/Spacing Problems Fixed in PDF. Re-download Below Environmental Assessment recently released by Endangered Species International (ESI), regarding the relocation of several endangered species found on the Gureombi Rock. From the Report: 1.0 Executive Summary During 2010 and 2011, Sesarma intermedium (estuary crab), Caridina denticulata keunbaei (Jeju freshwater shrimp), and Kaloula borealis (boreal digging frog) were all relocated to three […]
Today, The National Network of Korean Civil Society for Opposing to the Naval Base in Jeju Island published two issue reports regarding the Jeju Naval Base construction. Issue Report I is “Human Rights Violations on ‘No Jeju Naval Base Campaign'”. The report includes entry denials of foreign human rights defenders, freedom of peaceful assembly and associations, excessive use of force […]
We must defend the sacred and spectacularly beautiful Soft Corals of Gangjeong! My unbearably sad experiences witnessing coral reef devastation around the world, and especially the irreversible destruction of the Okinawan reefs which I studied for over three decades, motivates me to rise in defense of these beautiful Jeju corals. We must defend them. They are spectacularly beautiful, and alive! […]
In this month’s issue: The navy pushes to steal more land, water issues, London Samsung Boycott, Construction Mocks Environmental Standards, Prison Letter from Dr. Song Kang-Ho and more! Download PDF
In this month’s issue: 6000 bows for peace in front of the Governor’s building, special international solidarity feature, harassement of village elderly, Father Mun wins the 5.18 Human Rights Prize, a letter from Guam and more! Download PDF
Re-Post from the No base Stories of Korea __For the original Korean article including maps/images(click HERE) * English subtitles were added by arbitrary to the original images. * The last 13 images were added by arbitrary for readers’ easier understanding. ________________________________________________________ The below is a rough translation of the original Korean document informed at the site of the Jeju Human Rights Center. Thanks to […]