In this April to July 2023 Issue: Peace and Music Camp to End the Korean War/ Sharing Solidarity with Tanegashima/ U.S. nuclear submarines and precarious peace/ Remembering the endangered species killed by forced move/ The construction of Gangjeong Naval Base Access Road/ The Navy’s illegally installed signboards and warning/ 3 days in Woljeong-ri, experiencing communal car/ Stop dumping nuclear-contaminated treated […]

DOWNLOAD In this Dec. 2022 to March 2023 Issue: Gangjeong Says, Stop the War!/ Get Out US warship DDG-115!/ Cruise matters: Jeju aches from over-tourism/ Jeju 2nd Airport and the Endangerment of Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins/ The struggle against Jeju’s 2nd airport faces a new phase/ Abolish new airport projects across the country!/ Remembrance and connections at Alddreu/ How do we […]

In this June, July, 2021 Edition : The Jeju 2nd airport construction project nears the brink of falling/ Civilian-Government-Military Cooperation/ Gangjeong stream takes the island government and MND to court/ The 2nd airport still casting shadows after the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment was rejected/ Opposing Talisman Sabre for a Peaceful Pacific/ Cancer cases in village close to THAAD radar/ Countering […]

In this March/April/May 2021 Edition : Not a Deceptive Apology but Truth Investigation!/ Gureombi Remembrance Pilgrimage/ Despite the lawsuit, military road construction continues/ MOLIT and the Jeju Island Government should respect the result of the public opinion poll/ Resisting Militarization in Jeju and Northeast Asia/ Okinawa update/ Jeju Environmental Declaration/ Jeju Council’s approval of land sale for the Satellite Center/ […]

In this November & December 2020 Edition : A Military Road over the Water Supply Source/ The time has come for the islanders’ decision on the Jeju 2nd airport/ Voices from Seongsan / Solidarity Letters to Peace Prisoners/ Nanjing Seen from Alddreu/ National Satellite Integrated Operation Center in Jeju/ Mouth cancer found in a Jeju dolphin/ The Problem of Returned […]

In May & June 2020 Edition :  President Moon’s emphasis on maritime power and the navy chief’s visit home/ Black Lives Matter in Gangjeong/ THAAD product improvement amid COVID-19/ Can Island Governor Won who dreams to be South Korean President care for the lives of Korea and the Earth?/ Susan-ri, Visiting an Endangered Village/ Divest from Endless Wars: Cancel RIMPAC […]

The prayer of Kim Kyung-bae

On the night of Dec. 20, Kim Kyung-bae, a resident living in the Jeju 2nd airport-planned area of Nansan-ri, Seongsan, ended his 10 day street fast as he dramatically met Cho Myung-rae, Minister of Environment (MOE) before his decision to end the fast. Kim has started fast to demand the MOE to disagree with the original draft of Strategic Environment […]

In this April/May 2018 Edition : Gangjeong Struggle Reached 4,000 Days & Beyond/ A New Era. No THAAD Base Construction! No Naval Review!/ The Night for the Memories of Vietnam and Jeju/ Kings Bay Plowshares/ Gangjeong Villagers Join Annual Okinawa Peace March/ Women of the Philippines & Jeju Talk Militarization / Gangjeong is April 3rd/ Sewol Ferry Tragedy Remembrance/ No […]