In this April to July 2023 Issue:
Peace and Music Camp to End the Korean War/ Sharing Solidarity with Tanegashima/ U.S. nuclear submarines and precarious peace/ Remembering the endangered species killed by forced move/ The construction of Gangjeong Naval Base Access Road/ The Navy’s illegally installed signboards and warning/ 3 days in Woljeong-ri, experiencing communal car/ Stop dumping nuclear-contaminated treated water into the ocean/ The Jeju governor should accept a referendum/ Space Industry and Space Alliance/ Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes/ Daejeong offshore wind power project rejected by residents/ Korean Democracy Heading Toward Totalitarianism/ Gangjeong activist ruled guilty/ April 3rd is a unification movement/ Watching Crossings in Gangjeong/ Jeju Anti-Discrimination March/ The hope of solidarity glistening in intersections/ PSI in Jeju proves Jeju is outpost for the US/ GEIA on the THAAD completed in a hasty manner/ To hold the US accountable for dropping atomic bombs/ The 24-Hour Peace Wave/ Opposition to Talisman Sabre/ Taiwan Marine Conservation Activists’ Jeju Solidarity Visit/ Sharing about Gangjeong soft corals in the US/ PNG opposition to Defense Cooperation Agreement/ Messages from Hawaii to Okinawa/ East Asia Peace Walk in Taiwan/ Remembering the Killing Fields of Sri Lanka/ Dance of the Stones, Stories of the Gangjeong Jikimi/ Thoughts about participating in ‘Something Peace’/ “From Armistice to Peace” etc.