On April 28th (Korea-time), the Korean Navy was found cruising around Gangjeong Village in a truck stowing soldiers with their hands firmly affixed to their rifles. Passing by Gangjeong Elementary School, the drive shocked villagers and activists alike, who have adamantly requested for the Navy to stop treading the village grounds. Mayor Cho and others stopped the truck and demanded to know if […]

      Re-blogged from here Sung-Hee Choi reports from Gangjeong village on Jeju Island, South Korea: [Sept. 5] Bishop Kang U-Il says, “The real struggle starts from now on.” On a gently rainy day, about 500 priests, sisters, laymen, villagers, and peace activists gathered to celebrate the opening of the St. Francis Peace Center in the village. The event […]

What a wonderful news!  The International Peace Bureau(IPB) decided to have Gangjeong, Jeju, and Lampedusa, Italy, as  the co-recipients of the precious Sean MacBride award for 2015. On Aug. 25,   1 page official letter was sent to the village,  along with  other two related documents as the below. Please look at those for further details. It is truly the […]

(English translation is thanks to People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy) Let’s Walk Together Again! 2015 Gangjeong Grand March for Life and Peace! A Cultural Event to commemorate 3,000 days of struggle against Jeju Naval Base! The Grand March starts from Jeju City Hall on 27 July. The group will be divided into two groups, one marches towards east coast of Jeju […]

In this March Edition: Gureombi Remembrance Day, Permanent War, “Gureombi, The Wind is Blowing” travels the world, Women Crossing the DMZ Borders, Protecting Democracy or an Occupying Army? Choosing Arrest Rather than Paying Fines, Human Rights: Forever a Fugitive, Crosscurrents, Interview with Gangjeong Women’s Association leader Jeong Young-sim, Welcoming Grandma Youngdeung, Visit to the US Congress for Jeju 4·3 Solution, Remembering Fukushima and much more! Download PDF

In this February Edition: Gangjeong will not Give up, In remembrance of Father Bix, Okinawa, Jeju, Taiwanthe Peace Triangle, Keep THAAD out of South Korea, Hotpinkdolphins meets Taiwan pink dolphins, International Solidarity, Choosing jail to resist unfair fines, Deported for Loving Korea, Interview with a Jeju Activist, Seeking justice from the chimney top, “To Exist is to Resist” Gangjeong Peace School, trial updates and much more! Download PDF

If You Don’t Give Up You Can’t Lose / Gureombi, The Wind is Blowing Film and Speech Tour 2015 Hee Eun “Silver” Park and Paco Michelson, peace activists from the Jeju Island Anti-Naval Base struggle will be traveling across the US in March and April to share the story of the struggle through the screening of a new full-length documentary, […]

#History In the past, Jeju as a colony of Japan was forced to be militarized by Japanese Imperial military. Alddreu Airfield in Jeju was originally developed in 1926-30 during the Japanese Imperial period. The base was used to support the Japanese forces’ invasion into China. During World War II, the base was used for training of Kamikaze pilots and by the end of the war it housed 2500 naval aviation […]

  On Nov. 18, the Gangjeong village association, Jeju Pan-Island Committee for the Stop of Military Base and for the Realization of Peace Island, and National Network of Korean Civil Society for Opposing to the Naval Base in Jeju Island officially demanded the National Assembly to cut the 2015 Jeju naval base budget of 298 billion won (about $290 million USD) […]

  The time for the annual Gangjeong Grand March for Life and Peace is almost here! From July 29 to August 2, Gangjeong friends and supporters will march across Jeju from Jeju City to Gangjeong. Then in Gangjeong there will be a festival and celebration. The Grand March is one of the highlights of the year here in Gangjeong. Watch a […]