In this March Edition: Gureombi Remembrance Day, Permanent War, “Gureombi, The Wind is Blowing” travels the world, Women Crossing the DMZ Borders, Protecting Democracy or an Occupying Army? Choosing Arrest Rather than Paying Fines, Human Rights: Forever a Fugitive, Crosscurrents, Interview with Gangjeong Women’s Association leader Jeong Young-sim, Welcoming Grandma Youngdeung, Visit to the US Congress for Jeju 4·3 Solution, Remembering Fukushima and much more! Download PDF

In this January 2015 Edition: Crackdown on the Village, Cork City Council passes the motion to support Gangjeong, Proposed Petition of Veterans For Peace-Korea Peace Campaign, Damage to Fishermen, Henoko State Violence, Realizing the Island of Peace, Different frontlines for Life and Peace, Interview with a Gangjeong Villager, The Story of Magazi,  Documenting present day Gangjeong, Aotearoa’s Anti-Base Movement trial updates and much more! Download PDF

Re-blogged from here See also the video by Rodney Herold, ‘ Second Day Walk- Steilacoom to Tacoma‘ …………………………………….. Ground Zero holds mock funeral for the Earth at at Bangor Trident base By Leonard Eiger Over sixty people participated in Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action’s annual celebration of Martin Luther King Jr’s life and legacy on Saturday, January 17, 2015. The […]

In this December Edition: Gangjeong Mayor’s message for 2015, Encountering of Nanjing and Jeju’s suffering, Navy plans crackdown on 24 hour sit-in tent, A priest’s getting pushed down by a construction vehicle and the negligence of police, Republic Of Korea Navy Chief involved in corrupt arms purchase, Love is the only answer, tangerine harvest season, The struggle by villagers and Island […]

  Re-blogged from here.   To see the related post, see here.   By Steve Maynard, Nov. 28, 2014   The Rev. Bill Bichsel, an 86-year-old Tacoma priest known for his acts of civil disobedience, has returned from a trip to South Korea to protest construction of a naval base there. Just three months ago, Bichsel was seriously ill and […]

In this November Edition: People demand to cut the full 2015 Jeju navy base budget, a shrine under threat of destruction, remembrance day for Yang Yong-Chan, visitors from the US Pacific Northwest, Okinawa trip reflection including recent Okinawa election, Henoko movie viewed in Gangjeong, Prof. Sasha’s presentation on the success of anti-base movements, women’s international solidarity, airborne arsenic dust damaging […]

Jeju Solidarity Forever

Re-blogged from here . To see more on the visit by nine delegations including Fr. Bix  from the United States, see the Puget Sound Nuclear Weapon Free Zone (Nov. 2014)   By Bruce Gagnon, November 19, 2014 The nine person Washington state peace delegation to Jeju Island, South Korea is nearing the end of their solidarity visit.  Last night they held a meeting […]

Re-blogged from here.   Art Laffin  |  Nov. 12, 2014 REFLECTION I had the opportunity to travel to Jeju Island off the coast of South Korea in the East China Sea from Oct. 29 to Nov. 4. I  previously spent four days in Manila, Philippines, where I was invited to speak at the first Asia Pacific Dialogue on Human Rights and Respect […]

In this September Edition: Catholic Conference, anniversary of Catholic solidarity and the fence around Gureombi, International Day of Peace, remembering an Japanese anti-base activist, North East Asia Regional Peace-building Institute, hunger strikes, Okinawa updates, trial updates, international solidarity, and more! Download PDF

Collection of links:  messages with Korean translations (see here) As in 2012, 2013, many international peace activist friends have thankfully sent us solidarity messages. (click  for 2012 messages and 2013 messages) The below is the collection of each message. The Columban JPIC has been willing to initiate a petition for solidarity with Gangjeong (click here). Bruce Gagnon, coordinator of the Global […]