It’s that time again! In this month’s issue: Government’s “development” plan, Catholics concerend about Pope’s Korea visit, Anniversary of Gureombi blasting, Solidarity from Benj and Global Network, Visting dancers, a play about Gangjeong, environmental destruction reports, another Gangjeong wedding, and more! Download PDF
It’s that time again! In this month’s issue: Village elder’s letter to the pope, Navy steals more land, solidarity from John Pilger and AWC Japan, Solidarity with Ssangyong workers, Trial updates, Yang Yoon-Mo, Peace School, War Exercises, and more! Download PDF
The Gangjeong Village Story monthly newsletter has undergone a redesign for 2014! Thanks to the help of the designers at Everyday Practice for their great assistance. In addition to the fresh new look, the online PDF version available here is now easier to read. The old version was designed only for print but this new version is designed for both! […]
In this month’s issue: City of Berkeley passes Gangjeong Resolution, 2014 base budget issues, Love letter from Afghanistan, Milyang solidarity, Gangjeong Crochet Project, Solidarity from Germany, trial updates, and more! Download PDF
‘An air force general in the reserve saying that “A FIGHTER HEAVILY EQUIPPED WITH ARMS cannot load many arms for long distance (* here, to the Ieodo in the south of Jeju) because its operation radius cannot but be narrowed, “ stated that, ‘however, with air oil feeder, the problems can be solved[..].” He also proposed as an alternative to BUILD AN AIR […]
Fwd by Pamela K Brubaker, Professor Emerita of Religion, California Lutheran University To see the PFPL statement, ‘In Solidarity with Gangjeong Villagers Say No to the Jeju Naval Base!’ go to HERE. Affirming Life Together in the Face of Belligerent Empire We the participants of the 3rd Peoples Forum of Peace for Life gathered at the April 3rd Peace Park in […]
From October 30 until November 8, The World Council of Churches (WCC) will hold its every 7-years global assembly in Busan on the southern tip of the mainland of Korea. According to the WCC website: “The WCC brings together churches, denominations and church fellowships in more than 110 countries and territories throughout the world, representing over 500 million Christians and […]
In this month’s issue: 100,000 Books arrive in Gangjeong for the creative transformation to a “book village”, National Assembly inspections on the base, Solidarity from Italy and Western Europe, Gangjeong at the Busan WCC Assembly 2013, Trial updates, outrageous imprisonments, police disrupt prohibit catholic Eucharist and more! Download PDF
In this month’s issue: Catholic solidarity anniversary, reports for Sri Lanka and visiting priests, trial updates, released prisoners, Gangjeong goes to the WCC in Busan, Peace Co-op relaunches, violent incidents on the rise, and more! Download PDF
In this month’s issue: Grand March for Life and Peace 2013, August 4th Human Chain, Oliver Stones Visits Jeju, Navy wants to expand base site size, Prison letter from Kim Young-Jae, Trial, prison, and hospital updates, solidarity reports from Taiwan and Philippines and more! Download PDF