“I would invite Ms. Park to take a swim in Hawai’i’s most famous military-tourist attraction: Pearl Harbor (the true name given by Native Hawaiians is Ke Awalau o Pu’uloa). However, the water is too toxic. And before she could get very far, she would be arrested by the Navy for trespassing in military waters. There is no tourist activity within […]

[ Video on April 20, 2012] The navy guarantees its own fraud of the Jeju naval base project Go Gwon-Il, Chairman of the Villagers’ Committee to Stop the Naval Base explains how the navy has distorted the base layout to enforce the project, by showing maps in the navy’s investigation and test report (Jan 2010) on the matters of ship […]

As you all may know, today we here in Gangjeong have suffered a huge shock. Finally we see the result of the over aggressive and illegal actions of the police. Father Moon was almost murdered. It is a miracle that he is still alive. Today is Good Friday according to the Christian calendar. Because of this, at 11 a.m., the […]

[April 3 Catch up: important] Navy attempts to define the naval base construction area as military restriction zone: an alarm for people According to the Jeju island government on April 4, the navy defense command headquarter of the Jeju sent it an official letter titled, ‘Inquiry on the opinion of the [Jeju] self-governing province regarding the matter on designation and […]

    As daily sit-in was continued on April 5, the people in the village had a news conference in front of the naval base business committee building complex at 10:30 am, April 5, 2012. The title of the statement by the Gangjeong village was “Are the police taking the citizens as rioters even until the 64th anniversary of 4.3? […]

(Translated from Korean; Click here for original Korean version) On April 1st, at around 2 p.m., I was on Gureombi to protest against the heavy construction equipment that is destroying Gureombi. From outside the razor-wire fence on the western side of Gureombi, I was shouting, “Don’t Destroy Gureombi!” and “Stop Construction!” and “Stop!” In that place, I was not alone […]

The Gangjeong villagers’ statement on March 27, 2012 shows the connection between the central and Island governments and Samsung C & T, One of the main contracted companies for the Jeju naval base project (So-called Beautiful Tourism port for mixed civilian-military use). Different from the original MOU by the ex-Island government and ex-ministers of the Ministry of National Defense, Ministry […]

Will the Jeju naval base business make rich the Island people? Park Ki-Hak, Research Institute for Peace and Reunification of Korea, refutes such navy and government logic. Beside the translated parts below, he also mentions the cases of naval bases in Pyeongtaek, Donghae, Jinjoo, and Busan in South Korea and of Hawai’i where economic and environmental damage is serious. The […]

韓國當局目前正在推進在旅遊勝地濟州島建設海軍基地,但這一舉措遭到當地市民的強烈反對。市民認為,建設海軍基地不但破壞環境,而且會加劇“緊張氣氛”,不利於和平。8月24日,濟州島西歸浦市市民與警方爆發激烈衝突,包括當地村長在內的多名市民被拘捕。 [...]

崔成希: [如我所寫] 我應該為無法發聲的生物發聲,第二為了我們即將成為戰爭犧牲品的後代子孫。我認為村民們熱愛他們的故鄉,那是他們的家鄉...他們如此愛惜它。 那是關於愛。那是關於無發被說出的愛。那是關於無法發聲的海。那是關於無法大聲說話的生物。那就是我們在說的,我們基本上在說著的... [...]