Save Gureombi! Save Yang Yoon-Mo!

  On March 5, 2012, the Island governor expressed his position demanding on temporary reservation of the naval base construction (destruction). However, it is very likely that the Seogwipo Police station under the central government scenario would allow the navy to blast the Gureombi rocky coast. People are being intensely organized to fight against the blast on uncertain but coming-soon […]

Re-blogged from the Organizing Notes, March 4, 2012, ‘From This to This’     Which view do you like? Which vision of the future do you support? Below Sung-Hee Choi brings us the latest twists from Jeju Island. Things are moving swiftly. You see the internal debate raging in South Korea. Please know that what we each do in our […]

  Re-post from here Rebecca Johnson’s letter to Governor Woo   Princeton University, New Jersey, USA November 16, 2011 Dear Governor Woo, I was privileged to be invited to speak at the recent UN-ROK Conference on Non-Proliferation and Disarmament held at the Shilla Hotel(* Samsung owned) in Jeju on November 7-8, 2011. At the dinner that you so kindly hosted […]

Will the Jeju naval base business make rich the Island people? Park Ki-Hak, Research Institute for Peace and Reunification of Korea, refutes such navy and government logic. Beside the translated parts below, he also mentions the cases of naval bases in Pyeongtaek, Donghae, Jinjoo, and Busan in South Korea and of Hawai’i where economic and environmental damage is serious. The […]

軍港施工 濟州島唱起悲歌

儘管欠缺民主的過程、公眾的支持,以及生態破壞的巨大代價,韓國和美國政府持續在濟州島的江汀洞進行共同海軍基地的建設。 濟州島位在韓國西南外海,2002年由聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)列為生物圈保留區,2007年為聯合國教科文組織列入「世界自然遺產名錄」而受到保護,也是韓國文化遺產局的國定保護區。 [...]