DOWNLOAD In this Dec. 2021 to March. 2022 Edition: Gureombi’s Power Lives On/ International Messages Upon the 10th remembrance year of the blasting of Gureombi Rock/ Gangjeong Protectors’ Seminar Series/ Navy Base affects Soft Coral in the Gangjeong Sea/ “Spring Wind” Pilgrimage to Meet Another World/ No New Airport in Jeju, Gadeokdo or Saemangeum/ Construction for the military road comes […]
In this June, July, 2021 Edition : The Jeju 2nd airport construction project nears the brink of falling/ Civilian-Government-Military Cooperation/ Gangjeong stream takes the island government and MND to court/ The 2nd airport still casting shadows after the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment was rejected/ Opposing Talisman Sabre for a Peaceful Pacific/ Cancer cases in village close to THAAD radar/ Countering […]
In this this July and August Special Edition: Reflections on 2015 Gangjeong March (domestic and international/ writings and photos), Gangjeong as the co-recipients of the IPB award, U.S. Ships and Fighter Jets are are here, the 23rd Global Network conference in Kyoto, Connecting Bath and Jeju, Returning to Jeju, Taiwan anti-nuclear activist’s solidarity with Gangjeong, The Ghost of Yasukuni Cancelled by Jeju City, a […]
In this month’s issue: Soft corals of Gangjeong dying, Jeju after the elections, Sydney Harbor, Solidarity with Okinawa for the Battle of Okinawa, police disturb Catholic mass, village bus gets painted, nonviolent direct action workshop in Gangjeong, remembering the Korean war, noisy construction, prison updates, trial updates, international solidarity, and more! Download PDF
Soft corals seriously were damaged in two years in violation of the EIA: The base construction should be immediately stopped! On June 18, the widely reported in Korean media was the result of the international workshop to investigate on the impact on Jeju sea soft corals caused by the naval base construction, which was a follow-up of the ‘International […]
In this month’s issue: 100,000 Books arrive in Gangjeong for the creative transformation to a “book village”, National Assembly inspections on the base, Solidarity from Italy and Western Europe, Gangjeong at the Busan WCC Assembly 2013, Trial updates, outrageous imprisonments, police disrupt prohibit catholic Eucharist and more! Download PDF
It was already reported on April 9 that: “‘It appeared that the sea area of the Beomseom (Tiger Island) designated as the government natural memorial is largely being threatened as big amount of mud water was leaked from the Jeju naval base construction site into the sea, for the strong rain and wind last weekend. The Jeju branch of the Korean Federation […]
New in the Gallery: On Wednesday, January 23rd, the two members from the SOS (Save Our Seas) ocean activism and environmental monitoring team took a kayak and went out to monitor the construction in the sea and also check the silt protectors surrounding the construction site. Although they were not blocked by the coast guard, the scene was quite comedic […]
Reblogged with permission from: CCAO e-bulletin January 2013 | by Columban Fathers * This issue of the CCAO e-bulletin we are focusing on the Jeju Island off of South Korea. Known for its incredible biodiversity, God’s Creation on Jeju Island is threatened with plans to build a military base that will most likely destroy the fragile coral reef ecosystem, contaminate […]
On the morning of January 17, 2013, two press conferences were held at similar times in front of the Korea Institute of Oceanic Science and Technology in Daedeok-gu, Daejeon and at the naval base project office gate in Gangjeong Village, Jeju. They were held to denounce the Korean government and navy’s hasty 3rd simulation that will be held for only two days on […]