Jan. 10, the villagers’ first monthly Unity Day in 2013 was a day to be remembered, as the military and police even ignored the national legislature by exercising police violence to two National Assembly members who joined people’s press conference and struggle in protest to illegal construction that is being done despite the National Assembly ruling on 70 days’ construction […]

Reblogged with permission from: The watch dogs of Gangjeong | by notonlyformyself. Today there were many watch dogs by the gates of the naval base. Unification day. And it has been a hectic day. But first. Two concepts that are hovering over the base. Civil Disobedience (Resistance to civil government) Henry David Thoreau argues that individuals should not permit governments […]

Despite the National Assembly’s subsidiary conditions on the budget which demand a 70 days’ stop of construction from Jan. 1, 2013, the navy’s enforcement of illegal construction continues on day and night. On Jan. 8, members of the Seongdong Center for Independant Living visited Gangjeong, joining the peoples’ struggle to stop the illegal construction. They stayed all night in front of […]

Following the release of Fr. Lee Young-Chan on Dec. 26, Mr. Kim Bok-Chul was released on Jan. 3. Both were released on bail. A Video on Fr. Lee Young-Chan, made by Dungree after Fr. Lee’s arrest on Oct. 26,  2012, remembering Fr. Lee’s struggles against the naval base project. For Mr. Kim Bok-Chul, Jan. 3, 2013 was his 206th day in […]

See the Gangjeong villagers’ statement on budget on Jan. 2 and related National Assembly subsidiary conditions under the below photos.   The Gangjeong village statement on Jan. 2, 2013 Position of the Gangjeong villagers on the subsidiary conditions on the 2013 Jeju naval base budget (You can see the original Korean statement, here)   In the examination on the 2013 […]

‘The National Network of Korean Civil Society for Opposing to the Naval Base in Jeju Island submitted individual complaints to the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders, Freedom of Opinion and Expression‍, Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association and Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on human rights situation in Gangjeong. Human rights defenders including peace activists, religious leaders, […]

 It was found on Dec. 8 that an older brother of a wife of a dead worker on Nov. 28 posted a writing in the Gangjeong village website (Click here). On Nov. 28, the very day that the ruling Saenuri Party unilaterally railroaded 2013 budget bill on the Jeju naval base project in the National Defense committee of the  National […]

It was one of the coldest weather on Dec. 5. While the people’s sit-ins are ongoing in Gangjeong and Seoul near a month by now, people in both regions had to fight with cold weather that accompanied heavy snow (Seoul) and sleets (Gangjeong) in strong wind. Otherwise the village association entered  judiciary measure against the navy, companies and Island government, […]

  Booking a tug boat captain on charge? Saving the sharks but a minnow? On Dec. 3, the Seogwipo Coast guard is told to have booked a captain named Mr. Koh(60) of a 45 ton tug boat named Samyangho 3001 belonging to the Samsung C & T on the charges of faults on work and violations on the law on the […]

On Dec. 1, while two young activists who were arrested on Nov. 28 and indicted by prosecutors since then were finally released by the court review on arrest warrant, the people who have started fast sit-in along with hair-shaving on Nov. 29 ended their sit-in in front of the National Assembly, after confirming many people’s solidarity and pledge by the […]