Reblogged with permission from: Mayor Kang from Jeju speaks about the struggle against the US naval base | by Gangjeong Mayor Kang Dong-Kyun * See also this interview with Mayor Kang by Asian Global Impact on Oct. 18 From Oct. 8 to 17,  2013, Gangjeong village mayor has joined the Human Rights defenders’ forum in Dublin, Ireland, as well as […]

(Fwd by Bruce K. Gagnon on Aug. 22. Re-blog from the article of Counterpunch, Aug. 23 to 25, 2013 and Hollywood Progressive, Aug. 26, 2013) K. J. Noh, Oliver Stone and Bruce Gagnon were on KPFA radio in Berkeley, California on Aug. 22 talking about Jeju Island and the horrors of the Navy base. See here.  Oliver Stone Visits Jeju Island By […]

Tomorrow, August 15, 2013, the 3rd meeting of the movement to demilitarize Jeju “Jeju, the Demilitarized Peace Island” will meet. This meeting open to everyone will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Moseulpo, on the southwest cost of Jeju. Moseulpo is an important place in the history of military and anti-militarist struggles on Jeju. During the Japanese […]

For more photos on the event, see here. On July 1, Son Jeong-Mok, Vice-chief of the Joint Naval Operation visited Gangjeong for ‘reconciliation,’ saying he wants to talk with both of pro and con base villagers. However, on the very day, two people, Dr. Song Kang-Ho and Br. Park Do-Hyun were illegally taken away and arrested on the sea when they monitored illegal construction […]

Update: Mr. Lee Jong-Hwa was released from the court  after 55 days in jail as of  June 21. The court sentence on him at 10:30 am was 6 months imprisonment but two year’s probation. ……………………………………………………………… Magaret Sekaggya, UN Special rapporteur on the situation on Human Rights visited Gangjeong on June 4, 2013. In the press conference on June 7, she […]

On June 4, 2013 Margaret Sekaggya, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights, visited Gangjeong to meet with villagers and activists and see the situation. The visit came as part of a two week visit to South Korea, visiting Korea’s unfortunately numerous sites of struggle for human rights and justice, such as Milyang and Gangjeong. In the afternoon, from 1 p.m. […]

In this month's issue: Crackdown in Gangjeong, Catholics stand up to police, SOS international training, Jeong Young-Hee returns from US tour, Emily Wang's reflection on deportation, Villager Mi-Lyang badly injured by police, Conscientious objection in Korea, and more!

  There was an original court judgement on Paco Booyah, an international peace worker staying in Gangjeong on Feb. 8, 2013. See here. He was the 1st international to stand in the court in person, in relation to the naval base project issue. On Feb. 8, the judge, Kim Kyung-Sun made a decision of ‘postponement of sentence’ on 700,000 won […]

 “Policemen, if you move this altar, 1 billion Catholic followers all over the world will watch over you.” The young Father Woo from Jeju finished ALL the orders of the Catholic mass despite the repeated remarks by Koo Seul-Hwan, security director of the Seogwipo Police Station, who was embarrassed but continued to threaten him that it is an obstruction of […]

It is the summary of what happened in the village from April 25 to 28. The Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea (SPARK) wrote on April 26: “The Park Geun-Hye government’s oppression on people is being started in earnest. Days ago, the incense burning site of the Ssangyong automobile workers installed in the Daehan gate, Seoul, was violently demolished […]