Yang Yoon-Mo is Gureombi

Video by Dungree

A special film marking Yang Yoon-Mo reaching 1 year of imprisonment, created by Gangjeong video documentarian Dungaree.  The English subtitles were translated by Davy Jackson.

In relation, Andrew from the UK writes:

Yesterday, on Feb. 1, we were invited to talk about the Jeju naval base by the German Church in London, as part of a seminar exploring the life and work of the theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer.The session included an examination of Bonhoeffer’s belief that Christians must oppose war (‘peace is not a problem to be solved, it is a commandment’), a talk by Henrick, a church member, about the 2013 ‘Peace Train’ from Berlin to Busan, and the World Council of Churches (WCC) meeting in Busan. WCC delegates in 2013 had been introduced the No Naval Base movement thanks to daily workshops and a concert by Gangjeong villagers in Busan. Some delegates also visited Gangjeong during that time.At the seminar yesterday La Young gave an overview of the Jeju naval base issue, showed photos from Gangjeong, particularly the photojournalism of Carole Reckinger and showed the Gangjeong Style video to convey the spirit and sense of fun among the peace makers. Being the one year anniversary of Yang Yoon Mo’s imprisonment, and also his birthday, we spoke about his opposition and the injustice he has endured.

It was the final session of the day and were beaten by the clock – and by dinner! We had hoped to show a video by a young Gangjeong Peace School attendee recently uploaded by Grace Kim. If you haven’t seen it please watch and share – it’s not only charming, but also conveys a lot of information in 8 minutes.

There were interesting discussions over dinner and people took Gangjeong Village newsletters. We are hoping to be invited back to show Regis Tremblay’s Ghosts of Jeju documentary in the next few weeks.

We hope we can build more solidarity in 2014. If you want to keep in touch, or have friends/family in the UK please join or recommend the UK Facebook.


Image from the UK
