Update from Ishle Yi Park on March 24 : See the underneath. Prof. Yang Yoon-Mo will end his 52 days long hunger strike on March 24 on Sunday. Eight representatives of SPARK (Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea) peace organization and Fr. Mun Jeong-hyon visited Prof. Yang to Jeju prison on March 19 and pleaded to stop the fast. In […]

 The Jemin Ilbo, one of the Jeju media, reported on Dec. 6, 2012 that the POSCO construction consortium received an order for the land facility construction of the 1st work area of the Jeju naval base project, which is about 130 billion won size.   The Posco Consortium became additional main navy-contracted companies along with the Samsung C& T that is […]

  The Korean media, Hankyoreh, a prominent center-left media, Voice of People, a leading alternative media  and Headline Jeju, a leading internet media, Jeju, reported on March 18, 2013 that Prof. Noam Chomsky sent a message for Prof. Yang Yoon-Mo via Simone Chun, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Suffolk University. It is Prof. Chomsky’s 2nd supporting message for Prof. Yang Yoon-Mo, following 2012 […]

  The Jeju Sori reported on March 5, 2013 that the planned land area for the military residential house for the Jeju naval base project was changed. The navy has originally planned to build it in the E area (violet part in the northwest, in the map) but recently changed to the B area (pale blue part in the south, […]

It was March 11, 2013 that Mr. Kim Hak-Ku was injured by the police’s  violence to him. The police intentionally pulled down the chair he was walking on as part of his protest/performance. Mr. Kim Hak-Ku has already been injured many times during his protests especially during the blast period last year. You may watch the Dungree video here.   As […]

Prof. Yang Yoon-Mo hit 45th prison fast day as of March 17, 2013. On March 15, the National Network of Korean Civil Society for Opposing to the Naval Base dispatched some representing people to the Jeju Prison. They are Fr. Mun Jeong-Hyeon, Fr. Mun Kyu-Hyun, mayor Kang Dong-Kyun, Mr. Kim Duk-Jin (Secretary of the Catholic Human Rights Committee) and Jang Hana […]

(Fwd from the UK Solidarity team) Guest Speakers; Benjamin Monnet. French activist who lived in Gangjeong for eight months before being violently (and illegally) deported for defending the beautiful coastline currently being destroyed. Yoon Young Joon: ex SOAS, peace and human rights activist, visited Gangjeong last summer, and experienced first hand police violence to peaceful protestors. Learn about the struggle to […]

Re-post from Hankyoreh, March 13, 2013 Priests were apparently turned away for their views on conflict with North Korea and naval base construction on Jeju Island By Kim Kyu-won, staff reporter When the Ministry of Defense was recently selecting military chaplains, three priests were rejected when they gave guarded responses to the question of what they think about controversial issues […]

    1 year has passed March 7th, 2013 was the date  commemorating one year anniversary on the navy’s blast of the Gureombi Rock despite people’s fierce opposition to it. The people’s struggles to save the Gureombi Rock, the absolute preservation coastal area of the Gangjeong village, reached one of their highest points during the time when the blast was continued […]

Re-post from the War Resistance League   Save Jeju Island Campaign through the Movement Action Plan model 04 Mar 2013 — javier   Jungmin Choi We, the members of World without War, held a Movement Building Workshop in March of last year in collaboration with Andreas Speck from War Resisters’ International. The workshop used the Movement Action Plan (MAP) model […]