War Memory and Life Experiences: Between the Peace We know
Peace for the Sea camp was first held in Jeju, South Korea in 2014, and Henoko (Okinawa), Taiwan, Ishigaki (Okinawa) as followed year by year. The camp was back to Jeju again in 2018, and is going to be held in Kinmen in September this year. Participants from the worldwide, like Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Hawaii and other places, come to this camp to exchange the experiences and thoughts about peace together.
2019 Peace camp will be held under the theme of “war memory” from September 6 to 8 in Kinmen, an island that is set in the front line of war.
We sincerely invite individuals and groups to join our camp and start a trip of thinking about peace and war.
▋Application site: https://pse.is/Apply_E
▋Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/470502753513673/

2019 Peace Camp information
▋Time: 2019/09/06(Fri.)-09/08(Sun.)
▋Expected participants: 50.
▋Fee: USD 160.
*Including accommodation, transportation, meals, and camp-activity expenses during the camp. Airfare and transportation expenses from your house to Kinmen are not included.
*Students get 50% discount.
▋Application: Due 2019/07/20. –> 8.15
├Email┤Ting-Hao Chen, chentinghao0112@gmail.com
▋More information and schedule: https://pse.is/Info_E
▋General Peace for the Sea website with information from previous peace camps: sites.google.com/site/peaceforthesea/