“Since I aspire for Jeju to be a place for our lives and a nest for our livelihood rather than a 2nd Hawaii, a global tour site that exploits our flesh & bones and makes us playthings, I walk this way crying for the end of the Jeju Special Law, abolition of the 2nd overall development plan, and the smashing […]
On June 6, 2012, Korean-American Mr. Soon Cho sent a letter regarding the Jeju naval base project to U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton (see below). Mr. Cho recently shared on Facebook that he has received a reply from Clinton on November 4th (see above image). 5 Months later, she sent a bland, form-letter response in which she states states that she […]
[Nov 5] National Assembly Defense Committee starts the examination on budget. Cut the whole budget for the Jeju naval base project! The National Defense Committee of the National Assembly starts the examination on the government budget included of Jeju naval base project next year on Nov. 5. The committee is composed of 9 members of the ruling Saenuri Party […]
http://www.space4peace.blogspot.kr/2012/11/connect-dots-and-survive.html Connect Dots and Survive Nov. 5, 2012 After 30 days of marching throughout South Korea the combined team of Gangjeong village resistance against the Navy base and many other progressive movements have arrived in Seoul for their final events. The movement there has brought together many threads of the opposition to the right-wing policies of President Lee’s corporate dominated […]
Following the nights of Oct. 30, 31, Nov. 1, Nov. 2 when there were no construction trucks entering into the construction sites so people’s no night time protests, there were no construction trucks entering all day on Nov. 3, Saturday. Village was unusually quiet. All the policemen and police buses that have always parked near the bridge disappeared. People’s routine […]
The National Assembly inspection on Oct. 24, 2012 exposed that at least 22 high-ranking police officers have been reemployed as high staff members of the employment-limited corporations, such as Samsung C & T, the main contracted company of the Jeju naval base project. Is it still strange that the police are loyal to get order on their performance from the […]
Ahn says, “yes, naval base, unless I access to ‘high class’ information.” On Nov. 2, Ahn Chul-Soo (independent), one of the big three Presidential candidates along with Park Geun-Hye (ruling Saenuri Party that is also called, New Frontier Party) and Moon Jae-In (Democratic United Party), for the 18th South Korean President election, dropped by the village for less than […]
It was Oct. 30 that the first 3,000 ton caisson supervised by Daelim Co. was made on the Gureombi Rock. To build this one, there was 24 hours construction since Oct. 25. No night construction for three days of Oct. 30, 31 and Nov. 1, as the workers needed time to dry it, move it to the coast near […]
Amidst 24 hour construction that started on Oct. 25, 2012, the Jeju media reports on Oct. 29, 2012 that the Korean Federation for Environment Movement (KFEM), Jeju, stated on the same day that: ” As the navy enforces construction with unreasonably accelerated process, it ignores most of consulted contents in the Environment Impact Assessment [..] The construction site in the […]
Let’s Cut the 2013 Budget of Jeju Naval Base project, 200,900,000,000 Won (200.9 billion Won): Campaign for complete budget cut by SPARK Otherwise, Rebecca Kim reports: I started a one-person protest in front of the National Assembly today. With a simple slogan: “Absolutely Oppose the (Jeju) Naval Base”. I’m planning to go on with this protest everyday from 12 […]