Let’s Cut the 2013 Budget of Jeju Naval Base project, 200,900,000,000 Won (200.9 billion Won): Campaign for complete budget cut by SPARK

No budget on the Jeju naval base project, 2013! (made by the SPARK)
Otherwise, Rebecca Kim reports:
I started a one-person protest in front of the National Assembly today. With a simple slogan: “Absolutely Oppose the (Jeju) Naval Base”. I’m planning to go on with this protest everyday from 12 noon to 1 PM until the presidential election day. Some of my friends already promised to join when they’re available, and we’ll try to create an anti-naval base voice loud and effective enough to make the lawmakers think again before passing the next year’s budget for the construction.
Another news: About 10 non-Koreans (mostly young, in activism, in 1-year master’s course called ‘MAINS’ at Sungkonghoe Univ.) including one Amnesty Intl. Korea’s staff member are trying to draft a kind of petition based on the existing human rights recommendations made on the Jeju naval base by OHCHR or Amnesly Intl., Friends of the Earth or WCC, etc., to present to the public while they join the Grand March through 2nd and 3rd Nov. We have a ‘strategy meeting’ tonight. Will get back to you with the result on 2nd Nov. Courage to you all, great people!
How you can help to cut budget on the naval base project? Please pressure the ROK National Assembly members to cut all budgets on the Jeju naval base project . For example, ENGLISH@ASSEMBLY.GO.KR or Moon Jae-In, Permanent Advisor, Democratic United party, Presidential candidate: moonriver365@gmail.com.