We called him, “Benj.’ The villagers used to call him, ‘Benjari,’ which sounds similar to the name of a fish, “jari,’ very common in the Jeju Island. It was Miryang, a village woman, who put him with such nickname. A villager poet, Kim Sung-Gyu wrote a poem for ‘Benjari,’ from the intimate feeling toward him. Benjamin Monnet, a French peace […]
Following the Jan. 27 event, the 2nd event to build the Jeju as the Demilitarized Peace Island is held in the Gwandeokjeong, Jeju City, Jeju island on March 1, from 11 am to the afternoon. Internationals are welcome to join. Please see the detailed information in the below (translation of the event notice sent by the preparatory people) Otherwise, […]
Ron and Joan Engel is a couple member of the Center for Human and Nature (CHN), a member group of the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), who have often visited the Gangjeong village during the period of the 2012 WCC (World Conservation Congress) Jeju, Sept. 6 to 15 and passionately supported the Gangjeong villagers’ struggle against […]
Re-post from here Update: April 24, 2013, Wang Yu-Hsuan (Taiwan), 21st subject to be denied entry to Korea, in relation to the Jeju naval base project. Since the inauguration of Park Geun-Hye government, she is the 2nd human rights defender to be deported after Ban Hideyuki, Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center, Japan, on April 19, 2013.(see here) Update: [Korea Times, Feb. 22] […]
[Immediate Release] Repeal the deportation order against Benjamin Monnet and Angie Zelter! By the Gangjeong Village International Team, March 15, 2012 (Translated by Jooyea Lee. See the Korean statement here.) On March 14th, Jeju District Public Prosecutor’s Office released 13 who had been arrested two days before, but requested an extension for the arrest of Ms. Seri Kim. At around 4:00 p.m., […]
Re-post from here Appeal Letter of Dr. Rebecca Johnson to Judges regarding judicial charges against Kang Young-sil, Choi Sung-hee and Dr. Song Kang-ho To whom it may concern: December 13, 2011 Regarding judicial charges against Ms Kang Young-sil, Ms Choi Sung-Hee and Dr Song Kang-ho Dear Judges, Lawyers and Colleagues, I am unable to be here in person […]
Re-post from here Rebecca Johnson’s letter to Governor Woo Princeton University, New Jersey, USA November 16, 2011 Dear Governor Woo, I was privileged to be invited to speak at the recent UN-ROK Conference on Non-Proliferation and Disarmament held at the Shilla Hotel(* Samsung owned) in Jeju on November 7-8, 2011. At the dinner that you so kindly hosted […]