The 12th Gangjeong Peace School

Jan 20th-24th, 2014
  • 和平學校學生在海軍基地正門參加"人的鎖鏈"活動,並且一起跳讓人上癮的江汀村之舞。 Peace School Student joined the "Human Chain" activity in front of the gate of Naval Base Destruction site, and after that dance the "Addicted Gangjeong Dance" together.

  • 村民用裝載橘子的小貨車來帶領和平學校學生散步! 這是江汀村風格! Villagers bring the Peace School Student with the Tangerine Truck! It's Gangjeong Style.

  • 江汀村村民帶領和平學校學生來到江汀川上游水源地餐參觀。 Gangjeong villager bring the students to the upper source of Gangjeong river during the Village Tour.

  • 在江汀村散步。 Take a walk in Gangjeong

  • 共同勞動時間:徒手搬運命名為Gureombi號的船,以進行近一步的修理。 Collective Labor Work time to move the ship named after Gureombiho for repairing.

  • 聆聽江汀村和平活動家分享"和平活動為何?"之主題。 Listening the Lecture of "What is Peace Action".

  • 和平學校學生在海軍基地正門前所畫的圖案。 Peace School Students draw in front of the Naval Base.

  • 準備出航舉辦"海上和平音樂會" Ready to have a Sea Peace Concert!

  • 參訪廢棄的 Alddreu空軍基地(由日軍所設立,在侵華戰爭中用以轟炸中國) Visit the Alddreu airfield.

  • 海上和平音樂會 Sea Peace Concert

  • 和平學校學生自己設計、準備的直接行動:瀕臨絕種的紅腳螃蟹要求回到故鄉Gureombi Peace School Students self-designed Direct Action: Red-feet Crab requests to return back to their home- Gureombi!

  • 海軍基地正門前的"人的鎖鏈"活動 Human Chain in front of the gate

  • 和平學校學生加入每日晚間在江汀村和平中心舉辦的燭光晚會 Students joined to Village Candlelight vigil every night in Peace Center

  • 最後一日晚間在江汀村Moetppuri海岸的螢火晚會 Campfire in Moetppuri to end the Peace School Activity

The 12th Gangjeong Peace School was started from Jan 20th and was ended on Jan 24th.

The programs are divers and have a lot of fun!
Including: Listening the villagers’ stories; Gangjeong village tour with villagers; 100 bow every morning in front of the construction gate; Human Chain and addicted Gangjeong dance every lunch time in front of the Construction gate; Village Candlelight vigil every night in Peace Center; Visiting 43 Peace Park and Alddreu airfield; Ocean activity (Ocean peace Kayak Concert); Dialogue with Gangjeong Peace Activists ; Students-designed Direct Action; Campfire in Moetppuri  to end the Peace School and more!!

Some of the students are Gangjeong Peace School ex-participants. Many of them are still young but came to Gangjeong volunteerly and passionately. Hope is growing through peace education too in Gangjeong.

Let’s join the next Peace School in Gangjeong!

Photo by Emily Wang, Choi Hye-Young and Jo Yak Gol
