For 2016 Gangjeong Grand March for Life and Peace ‘Peace,’ go to here. This is the summary translation from the Korean site, here. Thanks so much, Tom and Nanch’o for translations.  …………………………………………………………………………..   2016 Gangjeong Grand March for Life and Peace ‘Peace, ‘ East route’   Seogwipo Cathedral The 1st Annual International Peace Film Festival in Gangjeong (April […]

UPDATE: Route guide_2016 Gangjeong Grand March for Life and Peace ‘Peace To join the march, please submit application form, here.   “Hey, peace, let’s walk together” 2016 Gangjeong Grand March for Life and Peace Aug. 1 (Mon.) to Aug. 6 (Sat.)    The 2016 Gangjeong Grand March for Life and Peace starts with an event on the previous day and is launched in Gangjeong […]