Re-blogged from the Eurasia Review ASIA PEACE PIVOT, FROM JEJU AND AFGHANISTAN – OPED By VCNV By Dr Hakim “Don’t you touch me!” declared Mi Ryang. South Korean police were clamping down on a villager who was resisting the construction of a Korean/U.S. naval base at her village. Mi Ryang managed to turn the police away by taking off her […]

In this month’s issue: City of Berkeley passes Gangjeong Resolution, 2014 base budget issues, Love letter from Afghanistan, Milyang solidarity, Gangjeong Crochet Project, Solidarity from Germany, trial updates, and more! Download PDF

Reblogged with permission from: Love letter to Friends on Jeju Island | by Dr. Hakim and the Afghan Peace Volunteers in Kabul * See also this related link. Thanks so much, Dr. Hakim for sending this thoughtful and beautiful letter!   To our dear friends on Jeju Island who have involved in your noble struggle at South Korea’s Gangjeong Village, […]

On Oct. 22, some people in Gangjeong had the chance to talk with Afghanistan peace volunteers through skype interview. See the link here.  The talk was thanks to the bridge efforts by Regis Tremblay, Kathy Kelly, and Hakim Young.  Many of the Afghanistan Peace Volunteers are youths and they are eager to have peace talk with the youths in Gangjeong […]