In this September Edition: Aegis made the 1st entry to Gangjeong, Peace for the Sea to be Continued, Bishop Kang U-il address, The Real Struggle Starts from Now On, The 2nd Gangjeong Peace Conference, The Trans-Pacific Partnership, Hotpinkdolphins went to Taiji, Henoko Resistance Continues, international solidarity photos,  Daelim to suffocate Gangjeong financially again, Watching Samsung, Trial Update, The Song of Gangjeong,  Documentary […]

      Re-blogged from here Sung-Hee Choi reports from Gangjeong village on Jeju Island, South Korea: [Sept. 5] Bishop Kang U-Il says, “The real struggle starts from now on.” On a gently rainy day, about 500 priests, sisters, laymen, villagers, and peace activists gathered to celebrate the opening of the St. Francis Peace Center in the village. The event […]

It’s that time again! In this month’s issue: Yang Yoon-Mo Free at last, April 3rd Remembrances, 4 catholics arrested, letter from David Hartsough, Trial Updates, Peace for the Sea Camp, Peace Book Cafe anniversary, international solidarity, and more! Download PDF

    Catholic priests unite against the navy and police violence  While the civil disobedience movement declared by Prof. Shin Yong-In, in front of the construction site in Gangjoeng started on Nov. 12, Catholic priests made voice on the same day as well. Since Fr. Lee Young-Chan(Jesuit) was arrested and imprisoned on Oct. 24, the Catholic priests have been holding […]